Today is the feast day of my St Nicholas of Tolentine, who I chose as my confirmation name/patron saint.
From today's office:
Nicholas is called of Tolentino, because he lived in that town for most part of his life. He was born at Sant'Angelo, in the March of Ancona. His parents were godly people, and in their desire to have children, vowed and made a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Nicholas at Bari, where they were assured of their wish, and therefore gave the name of Nicholas to the son whom they received. From his childhood the boy gave many good signs, but especially as regarded abstinence. In his seventh year, in imitation of his blessed name-sake, he began to fast upon several days in the week, which custom he always kept, and was content with only bread and water. After he reached man's estate, he enlisted himself in the army of the clergy, and was preferred to a Canonry. One day he chanced to hear a sermon upon contempt of the world delivered by a preacher of the Order of Hermits of St. Augustine, and was so moved by it that he forthwith entered that Order. As a Friar he was most strictly observant of that way of life. He subdued his body with rough clothing, stripes, and an iron chain. He never ate meat, and seldom any relish to his meals. And he was a burning and shining light of love, lowliness, long-suffering, and all other graces He persisted in constant and earnest prayer, notwithstanding many troubles from the assaults of Satan, who sometimes even flogged him. Every night for six months before his death he heard Angels singing with such sweetness, that it was a foretaste of the happiness of heaven, and he would often repeat the words of the Apostle : I have a desire to depart and to be with Christ. Lastly, he foretold to his brethren the day of his death, which was the 10th day of September. After his death also he was famous for miracles, and when due investigation had been made thereof, Pope Eugene IV enrolled his name among those of the Saints.
Ant. Lo, a servant of God, * who esteemed as naught all things earthly, and by word and work laid him up treasures in heaven
V. The Lord guided the righteous in right paths.
R. And shewed him the kingdom of God.
Assist us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplications which we make before thee on the feast of blessed Nicholas, thy holy Confessor : that we, who put not our trust in our own righteousness, may be succoured by the prayers of him that found favour in thy sight. Through.
Remember today the holy souls in purgatory!
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