Sunday, February 24, 2008

Splendid! Splendid! Splendid!

I saw today, the consecration of the first church of the Heralds of the Gospel (Our Lady of the Rosary church, sao paulo) It was amazing! the church looks like the Sainte-Chappelle, except huge! There was much,much incense. They must have gone through and entire pack, and a few coals too. There were no less than six Thuribles seen. music by Handel, and more chant and polyphony by more composers than I could count. The gold vestments were gorgeous, and every priest giving communion to the large crowd had a server with a communion plate. All of the priests. I can;t say that there is;tn anything I did'nt like about the mass. Benedictine altar arrangement,both the canon, the preface, the litany of the saints and other parts of the mass were in Latin.
At one point, I almost thought about joining them instead of the Mercedarians. But, the Reform of the Reform needs people there to keep it going and keep it spreading. The Mercedarians are doing great too, Especialy the pastor of my parish for whom I'm very greatfull.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

I agree 100 percent! Today at noon EWTN re-runs the Mass. I sat down to watch it. This was a special instead! I was transfixed for the next 3 hours and 20 minutes. As soon as possible this must be a destination for my family. Never has anything moved me as this did! Ave Maria!