Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ritual Notes.

This is actually a heads up note. Spread the news, Our Lady of Lourdes' patronal feast day mass will be a solemn mass in the ordinary form. It we be solemn as we can get with a proper procession, torch bearers + incense at the elevation, all the servers attending, candlelight procession etc, etc. But this is the big news:
It will be offered Ad Orientem.
As in Versus Deum.
As in Facing the Liturgical east.
As in, Not Versus Populorum.
As in, with the Back to the People.
As in, Not Facing the People.
Gei it now?
This is Big! I kind of wish I weren't thurifer so that I could take photos. Maybe someone else will come and take photos, or even, God Willing, a video.

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