Monday, February 16, 2009


I have a new place to practice my music. I'm going to keep my stop choice limited, as I've only dealt with a pipe organ with 19 ranks, rather the almost 50 rank beast I'll be playing. I'm only going to playing what I'm familiar with, and this is what I had:

Grande Orgue :
-8 Montre
4 Prestant
- 8
Flûte Basse
-4 Flûte Céleste
-8 Trompette
-8 Viol D'Amour
2 2/3 Nasard
-2 Octavin

Recit :
-8 Montre
4 Prestant
- 8
Flûte Basse
- 8 Hautbois
-Cymbale III
-8 Dulcian

-8 Gamba
-15 Bourdon.
here was once a 32' Soubasse and an 8'Trompette in the pedal, but these were removed.)

I'll use t
heir equivalents. Actually, no- I will use some different stops. I want to try out some of the pedal stops, (OMG TERE'S A 32 CONTRA BOMBARDE AND A 32' TROMBA) And I'll use the 16' contra gambe and 16' Lieblich Flute on the grande orgue and recit respectively. It also
has an Antiphonale section in the chancel. I'd love to try out my Jeu Dialogue on that.


M.J. said...

Oh cool! You're taking organ lessons?

J.Samuel Ross. said...

Yup for the past three years. I just didn't really have a place to practice. The nearest parish gave me a lot of greif, and the organ was in disrepair.