Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ritual Notes.


Gradual: Christus Factus est, Felice Anerio

Tract:Psalm 33, chanted in English to a Gregorian tone, alternating between the men and women of the choir.

Passion: Roman chant, adapted to English

Veneration of the cross: Reproaches, Vittoria. Crux Fidelis/Pange Lingua...Certaminis, Roman Gradual.

Procession of the Blessed Sacrament: O crux Ave, G.P. Da Palestrina

Communion: Hymn: The Royal Banner Forward Go, Adoramus te Christe, Dubois.

For Good Friday.There were three servers , the M.C., and three priests in choir, all wearing plain surplices.The celebrant wore the same roman chasuble, stole and maniple as on Palm Sunday. After the prostration, the collect was said, and then the readings read by a reader. After the gradual and tract, the passion was chanted to the traditional Roman tones by the Celebrant (taking the part of Christ) and two men from the choir. The final verses were sung to the traditional 'burial tone'. The homily was given by Fr.Brennan, one of the priests who helps out at the parish.(He also helps by celebrating the tridentine low mass on Sundays.)

After the sermon, the solemn collects were sung by the celebrant in a ferial tone, with everyone kneeling or standing as appropriate.Afterward, the cross was brought to the sanctuary by one of the servers, while the other two held candles. The celebrant sang the invitation "This is the wood of the cross" three times, in successively higher tones as he uncovered the cross,and all genuflected toward it. The servers took the cross to the footpace of the altar.The celebrant then removed his shoes and chasuble, and after genuflecting three times, venerated the cross. The three priests in choir came into the sanctuary and after genuflecting, venerated it as well.Then the cross was taken to the the sanctuary gates and venerated by the people. Almost everyone (Really, there were only two exceptions) venerated it by genuflecting and then kneeling and kissing the cross. While this happened,two of the brothers covered the altar with an altar cloth and put the missal on it.

The servers, M.C. and priest went to the altar of repose to bring the Blessed Sacrament to the altar. After putting on the humeral veil, the celebrant carried the Blessed Sacrament in procession to the altar.The servers put the two candles on the altar. The Our Father was sung, and after the celebrant's communion, communion was given at the altar rail by the celebrant and one of the assisting priests.After the purification of the vessels and the priests' hands, the postcommunion was sung, and then the prayer over the people. The servers and M.C. went to the sacristy by the short route, and the parish's relics of the True Cross and the Crown of Thorns were available for veneration at the altar rail.Most people came and knelt down to kiss the relics.

Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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