Monday, August 25, 2008

If I was musical director for the day (Ordo Musicae)

Entrance Hymn: O God, Our Help in Ages Past.
Mass setting: Orbis Factor
Resp. Psalm: Graduale simplex, or tone VIII in English.
Credo: Credo I.
Offertory: Graduale Romanum
Offertory Motet: O Sacrum Convivium, Melchor Robledo.
Communion chant: Graduale Simplex.
Communion Hymn: O Jesus Christ, Remeber.
Communion motet: Ave Verum Corpus, Elgar.
Recessional:Thy Hand, o God has Guided.

If you can only listen to one, Go for the Ave Verum. That has to be the most amazing rendition I've ever heard of it. True beauty. What a darn shame that people want guitar masses over this.

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