Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ritual Notes.

Seventh Sunday Per Annum.
12:15 English Sung mass.
The Archdiocesan Boychoir sang at this mass
I had planned to just attend this mass, but was asked to be thurifer, then second taperer when someone didn't show. (he was late) The entrance hymn was "To Jesus Christ our Sovereign King", with an , um, interesting organ accompaniment. I think improvisations should be done in between verses, not during them, however good. The mass setting was By Petro Yon, but I did'nt get the name. The gloris was the best section. Collect, readings, and Psalm. My friend sang the psalm as a solo. I think he did good, but needs to project. I did'nt like the setting of the alleluia, sorry.
The credo was recited, and the offertory motet was Mozart's "Laudate Dominum". The crucifer has to rember that we bow together before leaving the footpace of the altar.
The super oblata, preface dialogue and preface were sung, more Pietro Yon for the sanctus. Chasuble lifted at the consecration by the MC. The thurifer needs to rember that all the servers bow low during the words of consecration.I don't know who the the acclamation was by, but I liked it.
The Pater noster was chanted, the sign of peace given as usual. There were a lot of visitors, so an extra priest and a second communion station was needed.There were a lot of motets during communion, and all I rember was "Pueri Concinite" after the ablutions. The soloist was good, but needs to avoid vibrato.
The post-communion was sung, followed by a second collection for the choir and a round of applause. The blessing and dismissal were sung, and we all said the prayer to St.Michael after mass, as usual.
The recessional was "Lift high the Cross". We don't cut off hymns at my parish, but they did today, after the second verse. No postlude by the choir's organist.
I think the choir was good, but needs to work on blending.
But I'm biased, I keep comparing them to choirs like St.Thomas in New York,King's, and Westminster Cathedral. I'm too used to the Anglican choral tradition.
(Okay, so Westminster Cathedral is Catholic. )
On that note, This has been being replayed most of today.

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