Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ritual notes.

Hmm, can't beleive this is my second to last Ritual Notes for a year.

Anyway, it was the solemn profession of Brs. James and Scott, at Our Lady Of Lourdes church, at 7:30 PM.


Prelude: Prelude and fugue in D, BWV 532

Entrance: Some sort of early baroque sounding march alternating between the brass quintet and the organ

Proper antiphon, By all Your Saints Still Striving (St.Theodolph- Yeah, Where's my King's Lynn, people?)

Mass: Missa de Angelis

Psalm: Mode III chant

Alleluia: Festival alleluia (Descant on last repetition)

Offertory: Tu Es Petrus, M. Haller)

Mysterium Fidei: Mortem tuam, mode Mode I


Ecce Quam Bonum, Montani

Mother of Mercy, Day by Day

Antiphon to Our Lady: Salve Regina (Chant)

Recessional: O God Beyond All Praising (Thaxted, Richard Proulx's setting with choir only 3rd verse, descant last verse)

Postlude: Another organ and brass piece, this one was late baroque. Reminded me quite a bit of Handel.

There were far too many clergy for me to name them all, but the celebrant was Fr. Francesco Poda,secretary to the Provincial of the Roman Province, there were two deacons who I have seen at the seminary,quite a few priests from the seminary, and many of the priests and brothers from the other houses in the U.S. They all, with the altar servers in choro filled up the first five rows of pews on the east side of the church*.

There was a thurifer and boat-bearer, crucifer, two acolytes, six torch bearers, two M.C.s, and all the rest if the servers. The thurifer and crucifer wore laced surplices, and the other M.C. (One of the older altar servers) wore one of those sheer type lace surplices that became popular in the 30's and 40's.

All the priests seemed to be wearing matching red vestments, the same set that Lourdes usually uses on Good Friday, and the celebrant and two deacons wore albs edged with lace. (The same ones Lourdes uses at the easter vigil.)The two to be professed wore over their habits the white mantle which is worn on solemn occasions under the capuche.

The procession went from the rectory porch around to the church, and when they entered the church, the brass quintet played the march, then the choir sang the hymn. There were some short remarks before the act of penitence and the kyrie by Fr.James.

After the readings, the alleluia and verse were sung by the choir, and the gospel procesison lined up at the foot of the altar. There was a bit of time as the verse was long. The gospel book was incensed, and then the gospel read. After the gospel, the second M.C. took a chair to the footpace of the altar, and kneeling there, held a microphone while an acolyte held the book.Each was called, and then an explanation was given to them, after which they made known their intention to offer themselves forever to God in the order. Fr. Podda gave the homily. After the homily came the rite of profession. Fr. Podda, the two deacons, and the M.C. went to the footpace of the altar again,and the two to be professed stood outside the sanctuary the interrogation and the litany of the saints followed.

During the litany of the saints, all knelt except for the two to be professed, who lay prostrate on the floor outside the sanctuary with their hoods raised to cover the head.After the litany of the saints, there was a collect, and the two each read the profession formula, Fr, Podda Ratifying it. They each placed the Book of Profession on the altar and signed it, as did Fr.Podda and Fr.Matthew. Then the celebrant, the two deacons, and the M.C. went to the footpace of the altar again, and the two who had just made profession knelt on the floor, each holding a lighted candle.The celebrant said the prayer of blessing on consecration over them, and then they were given the signs of presfession with an admonishment after each. (The Breviary, the Rule and Constitutions of the order, and an image of Our Lady, foundress and protectress of the order.)After which, Fr.Podda confirmed them as members of the order, and all the brothers and priests present gave them the sign of peace.

The offertory and canon proceeded as usual. Only four priests concelebrated at the altar, the rest stayed in the pews.The host and chalice were incensed at the consecration, and at the amen, the servers took the torches and incense back to the sacristy.

Communion was gievn to the priests first who came into the sanctuary to take the chalice and receive the host. Afterward, the sanctuary gates were closed and everyone else received kneeling, at the rail. A solemn blessing was given rather than the simple blessing. At the end, there were cake and cookies in the parish hall.

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