Sunday, July 5, 2009

The State: Now with power over life and death!

Okay, I'm exaggerating, but if this is true, I'll fight it till I die. It was a policy like that that killed my grandmother. I'm serious. They stopped her cancer treatment and gave her high doses of morphine, which killed her. It's so insensitive, so pompous that I could rant for seventy paragraphs and never tell the full extent of how I feel about this.
But I do know one thing: If this does get considered as a law, and the media doesn't do their usual blackout of O's less popular policies and pronouncements, they'll lose my siblings and my mother. What those doctors did to my grandmother hurt my mom so much that she's still not over it.I'm still feeling it's effects. If that ever in my life becomes a law, I'll just call Unjust Law and hold myself responsible to disobey it, fight it, and encourage others to go and do likewise.

And on that note, I'll respond to an e-mail I got asking what all the political commentary is all about.
I don't think it's any secret that I'm a Catholic. Now, most of my political views came from my faith.
Just going by the Catechism of the Catholic church, I beleive that all citizens have a duty to respect and obey just laws given by the government, as a fulfillment of the fourth commandment. (C.C.C. No.2238) I also beleive, however, that a government has a duty to respect, protect, and promote the individual rights of all it's citizens . Citizens are not slaves of the state, but the state is given to serve it's citizens (C.C.C.No. 2235) It is the duty of the state to protect the rights of all human persons, and it may never infringe on them without just cause. They are not to set their personal interests and ambitions against the interests of the community they govern. (C.C.C. Nos. 2237 and 2236)
As a consequence of this, the state may never establish laws contrary to the natural law, and the dignity and rights of all persons. ( C.C.C.No. 2235) Governments and citizens ought to work together for the common good of all people, not just those within it's borders, therefore, the state ought never to contravene the natural rights which belong to every person, in their country and in others. Lastly, when the government exercises authority, it should do so with the object of promoting the freedom and personal responsibility of all people.(C.C.C. No. 2236) Not of promoting reliance on the state for everything, or "Nanny Statism."
Where and when the government is following this doctrine, if you will, of governing, all have a duty to submit to their government's authority, obey it's laws, and pay duties imposed on them. ( C.C.C.No. 2240)
But, where and when the state sets up unjust laws that contradict conscience, natural law, individual rights, and the common good of the nation and the world, citizens have a duty, not only to refuse obedience to those laws, but to work against those who promote them. (C.C.C.No. 2242)
These are the basic principles on which all my ideas rest, and most my critiques of the current administration have some basis on these, the most general being the good of the nation, which can be applied to almost any law or policy. If it's bad for the country, it fits under that principle. (At least in my poor thinking.)
And lastly, as this is quite important, I'll just quote it in full:

Catechism of the Catholic church No. 2239:
"Those subject to authority should regard those in authority as representatives of God, who has made them stewards of his gifts...... Their loyal collaboration includes the right, and at times the duty, to voice their just criticisms of that which seems harmful to the dignity of persons and to the good of the community."

hasis mine.

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