Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I've returned!
Random catching up:
-My latest issues of Shonen Jump and Sporting News came today
-I met a friend I have'nt seen in quite a while on Saturday.
-We're having a heatwave (Averaging 90+ degrees since Friday. Joe and hot weather don't agree.)
-I got two foot injuires last week: I stepped on a piece of glass and could'nt get it out (It's still in there) and my second oldest brother and I were practicing pitching at the rec last week (I still have no controll ) and I somehow cracked two toenails.
-I had my first public debate with my school's team on Monday. Resolve: The Unites States Government ought to submit to the jurisdiction of an International Crimal Court designated to prosecute crimes against humanity, us taking the affirmitive. Of course, because there was no electricity, I had to wing it. Surprisingly, out opponents did'nt understand the resolve, and I mostl did, so I did my best and our coach called me and told me we won. We have another debate tomorrow.
-I discovered this wonerful piece of Widor.
- I realized my diurnal does'nt have the whole month of April. Right.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ritual Notes.
There were a lot of clergy in procession this year. Not as may as last year, as I did'nt see any of our auxiliary bishops, and we were short a few servers. (Do they not know what "all servers are required to attend" means?)
Well, we had a crucifer, two taperers, a thurifer, a second thurifer, four torches, and three 'in choro', four Bernadettes, the officiant, two deacons, and an MC. The procession started at the rectory porch and went around the corner to the church. When we entered the church, the organ (On tutti! Lovely 32' tomba and 32 contre-pousaune!) along with a brass ensemble and timpani played Charpentier's Te Deum Prelude. All knelt while the blessed sacrament was incensed.
Everything was sung except the preces , chapter, and homily. The office hymn was "Alleluia, Sing to Jesus". One of my ten favorite hymns without a doubt, especially the way it was played.
The antiphons and psalms of second vespers of the blessed sacrament were taken from 'By Flowing Waters" I would've reccomended the Mundelein Psalter, if only because they adapt from the Liber Usualis. Instead of the office responsory, the choir sang Willan's "O Sacred Feast"
The homily was perfect! I'll never forget it. I'll always remeber it when I receive communion. The magnificat was sung , and the altar and blessed sacrament incensed, genuflecting when passing the blessed sacrament. One of the deacons led the preces, and the Pater as sung.
Afterward, the torchbearers came and knelt in the sanctuary, the second thurifer had incense blessed, and the Blessed Sacrament was incensed again. Then followed the procession (With one of the Knights of Malta holding the ombrellino.) While all sang the Pange Lingua. The blessed sacrament was incensed while we sang the tantum ergo, and benediction followed. After the divine praises, the blessed sacrament was reposed for a final time, and everyone sang "O God Beyond all Praising" which of course means we got to use "Thaxted". Choir alone on verse two, and choral descant on the final verse.
I don't remeber what the postlude was.
Time's Almost Up.
Yes, graduation.
And so also is the one thing that I've been so afraid to tell me family since I first decided to become Catholic. You know, about my vocation. Sure, It was okay when I was an Anglican. I could still get married and mom and dad would still get their grandbabies. But this is different. I'm talking about a monastery. A Monastery. With monks and stuff. I know they won't be happy (understatement of the year) but without getting into details, I respectfully couldn't care less what they think at this point. I'll have to see what I have to do to get into order #1 and see how it goes. If it doesn't work out, there's order #2 and order #3.
But I'm getting a little ahead. My research paper is due Friday and I'm not even half done.
Monday, April 20, 2009
I guess it's okay, the Phils are always bad during April. They'll get better. I still don't think I'll lose my bet that whatshisname is wrong and the Padres won;t get to the world series.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Feast your eyes: The Phantom Tollbooth.
I'm so excited I could wet myself! Well, not really,
But you get the point.
Yet another reason to like Stephen Colbert:
And can someone tell me why anyone listens to Doug Kmiec? he's a r'tard and does'nt deserve the time to be listened to by any thinking person. There are a thousand things you could do with your time that are more productive. Like cleaning your fingernails, or trying to figure out if it's possible to sneeze with your eyes open.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
It's the Stupidest thing I've ever heard!
I think I need help.
The President: More important than Jesus.
I can't really understand this story. It almost sounds fake. I mean, they know he's speaking at a Catholic institution, yet they want us to make-beleive that he isn't? And they would imply that if it's between honoring the blessed name of Our Lord and honoring the president, they would go with honoring the president? they'll hide the blessed Name of Jesus for secular gain?
It's quite shameful for a Catholic institution to act like this.
In reparation for offenses against the Name of Jesus:h
Ummmm...The What Now?
Yeah, something's wrong here. Namely, that I kind of don't actually Do anything.
I mean, I show up at the mass and devotions on first Fridays if I can make it, and sometimes to the Saturday youth group meeting, but that's it.
Plus, I've missed meetings most of March and April due to the crunch of my term paper/research project/homework/book report.
So I'm going to see about what's going on.
Plus, it says that the mass where the award is given out is on May 11th, which is when Shaman King volume 20 comes out.
I need to go early to stake out a spot at Borders or I won't get a copy, and I Need a copy. I Need one. I Need it.
(Seriously, where is Takei taking the story? Yoh doesn't want to be shaman king?! What about Anna?!)
Oh yeah, how much you wanna bet the name has something to do with S.Timothy's in Mesa?
Well, you're right, that is a dumb bet. It's like betting that a lot of American nuns aren't happy about the Vatican sending other nuns to visit their communities and evaluate them for orthodoxy and viability.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It's Natsu!
Brewer, Marche Heroique.
Elgar, Imperial March. Or rather, maybe this.
Similar, right? Or maybe you just need to be familiar with Elgar's music to notice it.
*EDIT* What? Elgar isn't in my spellcheck? Oh NOES!
It Will Never Be The Same.

Harry Kalas.
I'm kind of weirded out, usually I don't care when people I never knew personally die, but I'm actually kind of sad about this. Probably has more to do with memories than anything else, but still, I'll miss his voice.
Monday, April 13, 2009
And this means......?
"Tempore paschali adhiberi potest etiam Missa de Sancta Maria, Regina Apostolorum"
I have no idea how 'etiam' is being used here. I have a mental translation, but it makes no sense.
I guess I'll ask Fr. Hunwicke?
Proof of my Awesomeness.
It only took me about 30 minutes.
Note cards and thesis are done, but I think I misnumbered my bib cards.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I want to use this some day.
This is by Manuel de Sumaya, a Creole composer born in Mexico in the 17th century. I've been listening to his music along with some other 16th-18th century Mexican composers, like Juan Bautista Sancho,* and I'm blown away. This is an amazing musicalculture! how can people not use this music? It's amazing. hear another, Lauda Sion Salvatorem. More, hear anoter.
*Techically from California.
Tridduum Recap

Saturday: Vigil Ceremonies and first high mass of Easter. Preliminary notes: Celebrant and four concelebrants, MC and five servers: Two taperers, crucifer, thurifer and boat-bearer. It was at 8:15 PM, so night had fallen. If we were there, you might have noticed a long, awkward pause between the blessing of the Easter fire and the blessing of the paschal candle. I don't know If should say what happened, but we had a little accident after the fire was lit. All I can say is that we told you so. The versicle and response Lumen Christi Deo Gratias was sung in Latin, and he Exultet was sung in Latin by Fr.Brannen. All seven readings were read, with sung collects after each one. Psalms and canticles based on gregorian melodies were sung were sung after the 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th readings. The second was a canticle from the Roman Gradual, Vinea Mea. The gloria was intoned ( Hans Leo Hassler- Missa Secunda.) and bells were rung in the same manner as Maundy Thursday. The epistle was read, and the alleluia was the same as the one in the Liber Usualis, only the psalm was sung in english to a psalm tone. After the gospel procession, The gospel was sung incnsed and sung.The litany of the saints was sung, and the font was sollemnly blessed.Ten people were baptised while the choir sang C.Alexander Peloquin's Faith, hope, and Love , supported by a quintet. It's a very beautiful piece, with soloist and double chorus. 4 were confirmed, bringing a total of 14 people into the Church. After the renewal of baptismal promises, the choir sang G.P. da Palestrina's Sicut Cervus. The mass was celebrated ad orientem as well, so this year, the whole triduum was celebrated facing the liturgical east. At the offertory, the choir sang Gabriel Faure's Cantique de Jean Racine. That song, incidentally, is what I heard that first got me interested in sacred music. The choir sang it so flawlessly, I could've sworn I was back st S.Clem's for a moment. The rest of the mass ordinary was by Richard Proulx-Community Mass, except for the agnus Dei, by David Isele from the Holy Cross Mass. At commmunion; all sang The Strife is O'er, followed by two motets: W.A Mozart, Ave Verum Corpus, and Antonio Vivaldi's Laudate Dominum, which was timed to end at the moment the servers genuflected to take the missal and veiled chalice to the credence. After the postcommunion was sung, we applauded the newly baptised and confirmed. The blessing and easte dismissal were sung, and the prayer to S.Michael said. We assembled in the center aisle for the recessional, and faced Our Lady's altar for a Marian antiphon first: Regina Caeli Latare, Gregor Aichinger. The recessional hymn was Jesus Christ is risen today, and the postlude was bwv 572. The chimes in the tower rang after mass. Quite a glorious way to bring in the easte season if you ask me.

...You Knew I was going to post this: Easter Mass. Even if the mass ordinary and motets aren't the best. (Although, I kinda like the kyrie.)
I wonder if Puella is back to her usual blog now?
*EDIT* She is.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Resurrexit Sicut Dixit!
Praise ye the Lord in his holy places: praise ye him in the firmament of his power.
Praise ye him for his mighty acts: praise ye him according to the multitude of his greatness. Praise him with sound of trumpet: praise him with psaltery and harp.
Praise him with timbrel and choir: praise him with strings and organs.
Praise him on high sounding cymbals: praise him on cymbals of joy: let every spirit praise the Lord. Alleluia.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
More on the easter vigil high mass later, but I'll just say now that although we had some awkward moments, it went pretty well, the music was absolutely flawless, and it was a great joy to see 14 converts received into the church. It started at 8:15 and didn't end till 11:00 PM.
Keep all neophytes in your prayers throughout the octave!
It's kind of bittersweet. I love lent, passiontide, and the triduum more than any other part of the year, depsite it being made almost entirely of late-evening and late-night masses, offices, prayers, and vigils, and very little sleep. It's off to sung mass again tomorrow, and with sung vespers, the triddum concludes and eastertide begins.
Triddum Recap

Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord.
We had what looked to be a full house, so not many seats were left to choose from. Celebrant, and three concelebrants, all in red vestments and birettas. Three Mercedarian brothers serving and an MC.
After the prostration, the collect was read.
The psalm was another adaptation of chant, with alternating verses. The little tract was an english setting of 'Laus tibi christe' set to the 'Orbis Factor'
Passion read, congregation saying its parts, and all kneeling at the mention of Our Lord's death.
Fr.Brannan, the Jesuit priest who now helps out at the parish, hearing confessions or celebrating masses gave a short and very moving homily using the passion narraive and the reproaches as a text, and tipping his biretta at Our Lord's blessed Name.
Then followed the solemn collects. All were sug, and all knelt and stood as appropriate.
The cross was slowly processed from the narthex to the sancturary with the Ecce Lignum Crucis sung. Those in the sanctuary venerated the cross having made three genuflections , the celebrant without chasuble. The people then venerated it, many genuflecting beforehand then kissing it, other simply kneeling and kissing the feet of the crucified. During the Veneration of the cross, the choir sang all the options given:
First, a vernacular adaptation of the chant "Crucem tuam adoremus Domine", followed by Tomas Luis de Victoria's setting of the reproaches (sung flawlessly) and then the hymn "Crux Fideles", sung in Latin.
The celebrant put on a humeral veil and went with the two taperers and MC to process the blessed sacrament from the altar of repose. The choir sang a setting of "Adoremus te christe" by Theodore Dubois and all knelt when the Most Blessed Sacrament was removed and carried in procession. The pater noster was sung and communion was given. The postcommunion was sung, and the prayer over the people said. They left the sanctuary to the narthex after bowing, and all left in silence.
The high altar was stripped again immediately after the service.
I stayed after a bit to make my meditations on the Seven Last Words of Christ, went home for a snack, and left for candlelight stations of the cross at S.Charles Borromeo Seminary. There were a lot of people from Lourdes, which is'nt a surprise considering the church is two or three blocks away from the seminary. Light rain kind of ruined the mood, but I finally talked to someone I've seen around the parish lately* he's from Nigeria, was living in europe, and just moved to Philly. I talked to one of out catechumens as well, and she's very nice.
Afterwards, home, compline, and bed.
holy Saturday.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Triddum Recap

A little late, I know, but I'm not going to use the internetz much.
Maundy Thursday:
Notes beforehand: We used the best thurible, It's made of solid brass, heavily decorated with scrollwork abd enameled releifs. Joke among the servers is to call it 'the heavy thurible', because, well, it weighs 25 or so pounds. Torches in red glasses, three thurifers, four servers 'in choro' celbrant-three concelbrants (All in birettas)MC and two assisting MCs .Bernadettes and 12 apostles, all "Viri" as the Vatican says.
Don't rember the entrance hymn.
As said previously, the mass was celebrated ad-orientem. After Byrd's kyrie, the gloria was intoned, and the organist broke out into a wonderful organ fanfare. I mean really, gorgeous! he alternated between swell, great, and the antiphonale in the chancel. Wonderful stop choice as well, with the 32' subbass and 16'Pousaune in the pedal, and the en chamade trumpets as well. The gloria 'De Angelis' was sung, with two servers on opposite sides of the sanctuary ringing bells alternately. The bells were silenced at the 'Amen', and the organist played another fanfare, now with the 32' Contre Pousaune and the 32'Tromba. It was a fugue, based on the amen of the gloria.
The psalm between the readings was sung to an adaptation of a gregorian psalm tone, I forget which, with the men and women of the choir alternating verses.
The dialogues and gospel was read this year, no sung gospel like last year.
At the maundy, everything listed previously was sung, with the addition of an english adaptation of Ubi Caritas.
Durufle's Ubi Caritas was sung at the offertory, with a harmonised setting of the hymn "As Thou at thy First Eucharist Didst Pray"
The Super oblata, dialogue, and preface were sung, the Sanctus was in latin to the Missa Iubilate Deo. The thurifer and six torch-bearers came in at the sanctus, bowed, and knelt. Crotalus (Wooden clapper) used at the epiclesis and elevations, all bowind during the words. The Pater Noster was sung in English, and the agnus was from David Isele's holy Cross Mass. Crotalus used again at the priest's communion. The communion patens were held by one acolyte and the MC.The antiphonand psalm were from the Simple Gradual, and the hymn "O Food of Exiles Lowly" was sung in a harmonised setting , followed by the communion motet, Ave Verum Corpus, William Byrd.
The postcomunnion was sung, and Fr. changed into this cope and humeral veil.The three thurifers, including yours truly, went and had incense blessed. The second and third thurifers knelt on the pavemenet while the main thurifer, MC, and celbrant went to incense the Most Blessed Sacrament.
The Procession consisted of :
Thurifer and boat-bearer
Crucifer and two acolytes
The Bernadettes
Servers 'in choro'
Second and third thurifer
Six Torch-bearers
Celebrant with Blessed Sacrament
A Knight of S.John holding the ombrellino.
We went around the church, then to the altar of repose(Which was decorated with red and creme brocade, orange roses and lilies , and lots and lots of candles.)
The Blessed Sacrament was reposed and incensed. Afterward, we all left to the sacristy in silence. Six of the servers, yours truly included, took off our surplices but kept the cassocks and gloves on. We stripped the sanctuary, removing the candlesticks, relics, flowers, potted plants, cloths off of the credences, hassocks (Kneeling pads) bells, and finally, the brothers removed the large carpet on the steps and footpace. One of the priests of the parish washed the altar after it was stripped, and old, old custom.
I kept the watch until 10:30, said Compline and went home to a snack, and to bed.
holy Mother!

Plunged in grief the mother stood,
Weeping where the crimsoned wood
Held on high her dying son.
Through her soul, whose mourning low,
Told how grievous was her woe,
Sorrow like a sword had gone.
Oh! how sad, how sorrow laden,
Stood the meek and blessed maiden,
God's true mother undefiled.
Trembling, weeping, whelmed in woes,
Winessing the dying throes
Of her own immortal child.
Who is he who would not weep,
Could he know what anguish deep,
Pierced the mother of the Lord?
Who from sorrow could refrain,
Gazing on that mother's pain,
Weeping with her son adored?
She beheld the torments sore,
He for his own people bore,
Bowed beneath that scourging dread.
She beheld her only-born,
Death struck, utterly forlorn,
When his parting spirit fled.
Come, O mother, love's sweet spring,
Let me share thy sorrowing,
Let my tears unite with thine.
Let my heart be all on fire,
Still to seek with fond desire
Christ, my God, my love divine.
Holy mother, this impart,
Deeply print upon my heart,
All the wounds my saviour bore.
Let me share his pains with thee,
Who so tenderly for me
Deigned his sacred blood to pour.
Let our tears in mingling tide
Flow for Jesus crucified,
Till life cease within my breast.
By the cross to take my station,
Sharing thy sweet lamentation,
This is my most fond request.
Holiest of the virgin train,
Do not thou my prayer disdain;
Come and share thy griefs with me.
Let me trace his sufferings o'er;
Bear the very death he bore,
When they nailed him to the tree:
Tell his wounds within my heart,
In his chalice take my part,
All for love of thy dear Son.
Wrapt in flames of love divine,
Keep me still, O mother mine,
When the judgement day draws on.
Lord, when these my days are done,
Let thy mother lead me on
To the palm of victory.
When this mortal body dies,
May my soul to heaven uprise,
Glorified and blest for thee. Amen.
Crucem Tuam Adoremus Domine.....

.....'Et resurrectionem tuam ladamus, et glorificamus. Ecce enim propter lignum venit gaudium mundi.'
We adore thy glorious Cross, and we praise thy ressurection. For behold, by the
wood of the cross hath joy come into the world.
Tird antipon, Lauds of Good Friday.
"For I have spied unrighteousness and strife in the city. Give heed now to the glory of the Cross itself. On the brow of kings is now placed that Cross, which once enemies did deride. Effect hath proven strength. He hath subdued the world, not with a sword, but with Wood. The Wood of the Cross seemed a worthy object of scorn to his enemies ; and standing before that very Wood, they wagged their heads, saying, If thou be the Son of God, come down from the Cross! Thus did he stretch forth his hands to a disobedient and gainsaying people. If he is just who doth live by faith, then is he unrighteous who hath not faith. Wherefore, when he saith : Unrighteousness : understand that it is the disobedience of unbelief. The Lord then saw unrighteousness and strife in the city, and stretched out his hands unto an unbelieving and gainsaying people. And yet, looking upon the very same, he saith : Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Seven Peniential Psalms with prayers.
Dom Gueranger on Good Friday.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Our Participation at The holy Mass.

"There is one truth, which is generally lost in sight, a truth which, however, explains in a particular way the liturgy of the holy mass. Namely, that the holy Sacrifice is not dedicated to God by the priest only, but by all those who are present. The priest is the consecrated minister of the Sacrifice, deputed by holy Mother Church; but the faithful ,joined with the priest, are invested with a kind of priesthood. They say mass together with the priest. They are offering with the priest . The priest celebrating mass, speaks the language of a multitude , and so he says in the plural "Oremus" (Let us pray.) "Offerimus" (We offer) "Orate fratres, ut meum ac vestrum sacrificium fiat apud Deum trem omnipotentem" (Pray brethren, that my sacrifice and yours may be made acceptable to God the almighty Father.)
Is it possible to think of this and to content oneself with saying some prayers with a distracted mind, without paying attention to the sublime office with which one is invested? The faithful are offering themselves to the Lord, our Father in heaven, with Jesus Christ, oresent on the altar.
This is brought before us in the prayer after the offering of the wine, In spiritu humilitatis.
Always bear this in mind when hearing mass, and you will never recite prayers too quickly , without paying attention to the wonder that is taking place only a few steps from your place. The best way of hearing mass is to join oneself in spirit and sentiment with the priest and to follow closely all that happens at the altar.
Never forget what we have said about the significance of the mass, and think that you are beneath the cross of the dying Jesus, to catch in your soul a drop of the divine blood that has power to deliver the whole world from sin."
This is from my 1934 Daily Roman Missal, before the order of mass. So next time a radical traditionalist says that Vatican II invented this way of seeing the mass, copy/paste and show them wrong.
Don't worry, he Assures us..
Yay for our president's transparency! What, do they think we're retarded? There's a VIDEO. We can SEE it. It's a BOW. What's up with the "Don't believe your eyes and your common sense! Just beleive what we tell you to believe!!1!!!11!111!!!!!!one!!1!" ? I thought they had planned to eschew this kind of ridiculous doublespeak?
Explaining why he bowed, I can deal with. Saying it didn't even happen when there's videos all over the web, deplorable.
And about their supposed explanation, how come no one ever bows to me? I've already reached the family height* of 5'4, and will probably not grow any taller.Does this mean that I can expect other people to bow to me?
(Taken from Gem.)
*Seriously, on both sides of my family, only five people are taller than 5'5. Everyone else is short.
On the Blessed Sacrament.

From the Imitation of Christ. Chapter 1 :
COME to Me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you.The bread which I will give is My Flesh, for the life of the world.Take you and eat: this is My Body, which shall be delivered for you. Do this for the commemoration of Me.He that eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, abideth in Me, and I in him. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life."
"Come to me," You say, "all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you."
Oh, how sweet and kind to the ear of the sinner is the word by which You, my Lord God, invite the poor and needy to receive Your most holy Body! Who am I, Lord, that I should presume to approach You? Behold, the heaven of heavens cannot contain You, and yet You say: "Come, all of you, to Me."
What means this most gracious honor and this friendly invitation? How shall I dare to come, I who am conscious of no good on which to presume? How shall I lead You into my house, I who have so often offended in Your most kindly sight? Angels and archangels revere You, the holy and the just fear You, and You say: "Come to Me: all of you!" If You, Lord, had not said it, who would have believed it to be true? And if You had not commanded, who would dare approach?
Behold, Noah, a just man, worked a hundred years building the ark that he and a few others might be saved; how, then, can I prepare myself in one hour to receive with reverence the Maker of the world?
Moses, Your great servant and special friend, made an ark of incorruptible wood which he covered with purest gold wherein to place the tables of Your law; shall I, a creature of corruption, dare so easily to receive You, the Maker of law and the Giver of life?
Solomon, the wisest of the kings of Israel, spent seven years building a magnificent temple in praise of Your name, and celebrated its dedication with a feast of eight days. He offered a thousand victims in Your honor and solemnly bore the Ark of the Covenant with trumpeting and jubilation to the place prepared for it; and I, unhappy and poorest of men, how shall I lead You into my house, I who scarcely can spend a half-hour devoutly -- would that I could spend even that as I ought!"
Chapter 5:
Voice of Christ:
"HAD you the purity of an angel and the sanctity of St. John the Baptist, you would not be worthy to receive or administer this Sacrament. It is not because of any human meriting that a man consecrates and administers the Sacrament of Christ, and receives the Bread of Angels for his food. Great is the Mystery and great the dignity of priests to whom is given that which has not been granted the angels. For priests alone, rightly ordained in the Church, have power to celebrate Mass and consecrate the Body of Christ."
Chapter 8 :
The voice of Christ:
"AS I offered Myself willingly to God the Father for your sins with hands outstretched and body naked on the cross, so that nothing remained in Me that had not become a complete sacrifice to appease the divine wrath, so ought you to be willing to offer yourself to Me day by day in the Mass as a pure and holy oblation, together with all your faculties and affections, with as much inward devotion as you can.What more do I ask than that you give yourself entirely to Me? I care not for anything else you may give Me, for I seek not your gift but you. Just as it would not be enough for you to have everything if you did not have Me, so whatever you give cannot please Me if you do not give yourself."
"I AM the Lover of purity, the Giver of all holiness. I seek a pure heart and there is the place of My rest.Prepare for Me a large room furnished and I with My disciples will keep the Pasch with you.If you wish that I come to you and remain with you, purge out the old leaven and make clean the dwelling of your heart. Shut out the whole world with all the din of its vices. Sit as the sparrow lonely on the housetop, and think on your transgressions in bitterness of soul.Everyone who loves prepares the best and most beautiful home for his beloved, because the love of the one receiving his lover is recognized thereby.
You have need of Me. I do not need you. You do not come to sanctify Me but I come to sanctify you and make you better. You come to be sanctified and united with Me, to receive new grace and to be aroused anew to amend. Do not neglect this grace, but prepare your heart with all care, and bring into it your Beloved."
Chapter 11 :
"These also may be called the two tables, one here, one there, in the treasure house of holy Church. One is the table of the holy altar, having the holy Bread that is the precious Body of Christ. The other is the table of divine law, containing holy doctrine that teaches all the true faith and firmly leads them within the veil, the Holy of holies.
Thanks to You, Lord Jesus, Light of eternal light, for the table of Your holy teaching which You have prepared for us by Your servants, the prophets and Apostles and other learned men.
Thanks to You, Creator and Redeemer of men, Who, to declare Your love to all the world, have prepared a great supper in which You have placed before us as food not the lamb, the type of Yourself, but Your own most precious Body and Blood, making all the faithful glad in Your sacred banquet, intoxicating them with the chalice of salvation in which are all the delights of paradise; and the holy angels feast with us but with more happiness and sweetness."
Chapter 14: Disciple: "HOW great is the abundance of Your kindness, O Lord, which You have hidden from those who fear You!When I think how some devout persons come to Your Sacrament with the greatest devotion and love, I am frequently ashamed and confused that I approach Your altar and the table of Holy Communion so coldly and indifferently; that I remain so dry and devoid of heartfelt affection; that I am not completely inflamed in Your presence, O my God, nor so strongly drawn and attracted as many devout persons who, in their great desire for Communion and intense heart love, could not restrain their tears but longed from the depths of their souls and bodies to embrace You, the Fountain of Life. These were able to appease and allay their hunger in no other way than by receiving Your Body with all joy and spiritual eagerness."
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
You know what I don't like?
Sean, You know I sent you an e-mail.
And I know where you live. Or I can find out. I got people.
The Two Most Beautiful Pieces of Choral Music..
1) Kyrie, from the Missa 'Cantus Missae' For Double Choir; Josef Rheinberger.
2) Crucifixus; for 8 voices, Antonio Lotti.
I don't think I'll be able to die peacefully until I direct a choir using these in a liturgical setting.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
On the Blessed Sacrament and the Passion.

Which brings me to my point. It is a good practice to prepare for your communion the day before, or several days before. It's Spy Wednesday, and now is a good time to watch,pray. and meditate in preparation for the triduum. As we know, every tme the mass is offered, the passion of the Lord Jesus is made present in a mystical way, one explained by many minds grater and far more learned than I could try to explain.
But we know that it is present, so every time we attend mass, we must without failing, ask ourselves 'which side am I on?'
Ask yourself that right now.
Of all the groups and individual people present at our Lord's passion, who are you when you go to mass?
Are you like Magdalene, preparing for Jesus by penintence and prayer, by the costly perfumed oil of meditation and desire, Or like Judas, giving him a kiss of betrayal by an unprepared communion?
Are you like St.John, keeping close to Jesus in prayer by talking to him, staying with him in trial, and making a thanksgiving after communion, or like St.Peter, running away to your own business after mass as quickly as possible with no thought for God?
Are you like the holy Women of Jerusalem, weeping and rending your heart over the abuse Jesus has to suffer by his own people, who do not recognize him present among them, or are you one of them, who by pride do not recognize your saviour present, now present not as a suffering servant, but in the blessed sacrament?
Are you like St.Veronica, seeking to make reparation for the offenses your Jesus suffers at the hands of the cruel Romans, Or are you one of the Romans, inflicting offense on Our Lord by receiving him in a state of unconfessed mortal sin?
Are you like the holy angels, keeping watch with our lord in his prayer at Gethsemani, Or are you Like Ss.Peter, James, and John, deserting him in your own hour of need by not staying with him in prayer?
Are you like S.Dysmus, seeing your God so close to you, and yourself in need of strength and forgiveness, and so you repent of your sins, Or are you like the impious theif who refused to recognize Christ, refused pardon, and died in disgrace?
Are you Like Our Blessed Lady, Mary, silently and reverently participating and joining in Our Lord's sacrificial death, or are you distracted, irreverent, loud, and too busy externally to delve deep into the mystery of Christ's self offering?
These are simple, we must answer them in humility and honesty. We might wish to be among the good, the holy, and the pious people at Our Lord's passion but more often we are among those we judge to be bad. Look at your own soul and judge it, pray, and make ready, and participate actively in the liturgy.Make your thanksgiving always, and you may have assurance that Our Blessed Lord is pleased and contented to stay awhile with you.
he said that it was his desire to dwell among the hearts of everyone, and told his apostles to find a large, clean, and furnished upper room where he might eat the pasch with them.
Think on this.
Ritual Note.
I just got back from practice for Maundy Thursday. It will be a full solemn mass with a torchbearers at the elevation, other servers 'in choro', the music previously indicated, etc.
This is the Big point: Like at the patronal festival, it will be celebrated Ad Orientem
( AKA versus Deum AKA with the back to the people. )
Good development. I hope someone will be there to take photos, as I'll be second thurifer (There are three thurifers in the procession to the Altar of Repose) If you want to take photos, just go up to the choir loft before mass and Mr. Bradford ( our choir-master) will be glad to accomodate you. Just know that you'll be receiving communion with the choir.

Monday, April 6, 2009
Music for the Triduum 2009

At the parish.
Service Schedule.
Maundy Thursday: Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper:
This mass is said Ad Orientem.
Entrance hymn:- As Thou at Thy first Eucharist Didst Pray
Introit:- Nos autem Gloriari, Roman Gradual
Kyrie:-- Mass for Three Voices, William Byrd
Gloria: Missa de Angelis (Bells are rung for the final time)
Psalm:- Psalm 116 with response, Chant.
Gospel chant:-Praise and honor to You, Lord Jesus Christ, Missa Orbis Factor.
Antiphons at the Maundy:- Roman Gradual and Gregory A.Glenn
Offertory motet:- Ubi Carits. Maurice Durufle
Sanctus:- Simple Latin Chant
Agnus:- holy Cross Mass; David Isele
Communion Antiphon:- hoc corpus (With psalm verses)
Communion hymn:- O Food of Exiles Lowly
Procession to the Altar of Repose:- Pange Lingua Gloriosi, chant. (Crotalus replaces bells in procession)
At the stripping of the altar:- Psalm 21, Tonus 2.D
Good Friday:- Solemn Liturgy of the Passion:
The Communion Rites are done Ad Orientem.
Psalm:- Psalm 31 with response, chant
Gradual:- Christus factus est pro nobis
Veneration of the cross: Improperia, Tomas Luis de Victoria
hymn:- Sing my Tongue the Song of Triumph(Pange Lingua Gloriosi...Certaminis)
Procession from the altar of repose:- Adoremus te, Christe. G.P.da Palestrina
Communion:-O Bone Iesu
hymn:- The Royal Banners Foreward Go (Vexilla Regis Prodeunt)
Ave Verum Corpus, William Byrd.
Easter Vigil: Vigil Ceremonies:
Psalms from the Worship hymnal
Canticle:-Vinea, Roman Gradual
First Mass of Easter:
Gloria:- Missa Brevis, G.P. da Palestrina.(Bells are rung.)
Alleluia and Psalm: -Roman Gradual
Procession to the font:- Sicut Cervus, G.P.da Palestrina
Sprinkling with holy water:- Vidi Aquam, Roman Gradual
Offertory antiphon:-Dextera Domini, Roman Gradual
Motet:-Laudate Dominum, Antonio Vivaldi
Coomunion:- Pascha Nostrum, Roman Gradual
Ave verum Corpus, W.A.Mozart.
Recessional hymn:- Jesus Christ Is Ris'n Today
Postlude:-Prelude and fugue in C Major, BWV 545; J.S.Bach
Easter Day:-Solemn Latin Mass (Ordinary Form)
This mass is said Ad Orientem.
Mass Ordinary: -Missa de Angelis (Except Gloria)
Processional hymn:- Jesus Christ is Ris'n today
Introit:- Resurrexi, Roman Gradual
Gloria:- Missa Brevis, G.P.da Palestrina
Sequence:- Victimae paschali laudes;Roman Gradual
Renewal of Baptismal Promises:- Vidi Aquam; Roman Gradual
Offertory:- Sicut Cervus, G.P. da Palestrina
hymn:-The Strife is O'er
Communion:-Pascha Nostrum,Roman Gradual (With psalm verses)
Regina Caeli, Gregor Aichinger.
Recessional hymn:-I know that My Redeemer Lives
Postlude:- Festliche Musik Alla handel; S.Karg Elert.
There could be a few last minute tweaks here and there, Possibly a different mass setting on easter day or a different motet at the easter vigil
Photos, recordings, and service sheets can be found here.
Keep Close to Jesus.
Chant: Tenebrae during the Triduum.

Maundy Thursday:
At Lauds:
Antiphon:Vide, Domine (Liber Usualis pg.995)
Psalm: Qui Pascis Israel intende; Tonus 2.D. pg.647
Antiphon:Ecce Deus salvator meus ( Graduale Simplex Pg.128)
Canticle: Confitebor tibi Domine; Tonus 4 A* Liber Usualis Pg.649
Antiphon; Cibavit nos Dominus; pg.935
Psalm: Exultate Deo audiutori nostro; Tonus 8 G. pg.935
Capitulum Videmus Iesum
Responsorium Redemisti nos Domine; pg.1532
Antiphon Desiderio desideravi; pg. 1100
Canticum Benedictus ; Tonus 1.g; pg.652
Good Friday:
At Lauds:
Antiphon:Proprio Filio suo, Liber usualis pg.689
Psalm:Miserere mei;Tonus 7.c
Antiphon Iesus Christus dilexit nos (pg.692)
Canticum: Domine audivi auditionem tuam; Tonus 1.f
Antiphon: Crucem tuam adoremus, Domine, pg.708
Psalm: Lauda Ierusalem Dominum; Tonus 8.G
Capitulum Ecce prospere aget
Antiphon: Christus factus est pro nobis; pg.653
Antiphon:Posuerunt super caput eius; pg.694
Canticum Benedictus; Tonus 1.g
holy Saturday :
At Lauds:
Antiphon: Plagent eum; Liber Usualis pg.736
Psalm: Exaudi Deus ; Tonus 7.b
Antiphon: A porta inferi; pg.736
Canticum: Ego dixi in dimidio dierum meorum; Tonus 2.D
Antiphon:Ego fui mortuus (Graduale Simplex pg.140)
Psalm: Laudate Dominum; Tonus 8.c
Capitulum : Dicit Dominus: in tribulatione sua
Antiphon: Christus factus est pro nobis; pg.653
Antiphon:Salvator Mundi, salva nos
Canticum Benedictus;Tonus 1.g
Like I said ealier, some of the antiphons are new, so I don't know what to do with them. The numbers in parentheses are possible adaptations. Stupid Vatican, not publishing a new antiphonal, even though they've had close to 50 years to do it.
On School.
When I still figured I could get into a high class school, I checked out Eastman at Rochester , but really now, Rochester? In the Rochester diocese? home of the bishop of Rochester? Who bult a pagan-looking labyrinth in his cathedral and tore out pretty much anything that was beautiful? Which made the cathedral's attendence go down sharply? Go there?
Only under holy obedience would I go there.
That's only if the vocation thing does;nt work out though, so I might be spared the fun of being told why everything I've learned about blending and voicing choirs is wrong, and that Virgil Fow is wrong.
About everything.
See This? It's Virgil Fox, therefore it's wrong according them.**
*I know, someone like me getting into Curtis? It's a joke so sad that even I can't laugh at it. Well, maybe just a little bit on the inside.
**Don't know why, I think Virgil Fox Is awesome. Probably jealous 'cause they never got a cult following with hordes of fangirls and fanboys round the world.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Ritual Notes.

Solemn Procession and Sung mass of Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.
There were five servers, two acolytes, a crucifer, a thurifer and a boat-bearer, as well as a master of ceremonies. All servers in red cassocks.
Oddly, no antiphon at the blessing of the palms, even though the missal requires one. * ETA* Now that I remember, I'm wrong on this. They did sing the antiphon 'hosanna Filio David'. The precession went from the rectory porch to the church around the corner.Only the first antiphon, 'Pueri hebraorum...Portantes' with psalm 23 was sung. 'All Glory, Laud, and honor' was sung at the incensation of the altar, and the celebrant changed from a red cope with gold patterned bands and hood to the chasuble that matched it.
The collect was sung and the first two readings were read by a lay reader. (A bit too quickly for my taste. With the acoustics of the church, it can get blurred , and you can't properly read , mark, learn, and inwardly digest the scriptures.)
The gradual psalm was psalm 21, chanted by the women of the choir with the response sung by the men of the choir and the congregation.
The tract before the gospel was set to the kyrie from the missa Orbis Factor.
The Passion according to S.Matthew was read, all standing, and all kneeling after the mention of Our Lord's death. The creed and intercessions wre recited.
I'm not sure what the offertory motet was. It sounded like a setting of 'hoc Opus Nostrae Salutis',
but that would be redundant considering the hymn sung afterwards was 'Sing, My Tongue, The Song of Triumph'.
Dialogue and preface sung, sanctus and agnus from the Missa Simplex (Mass I in the Graduale Simplex.)
The communion antiphon and psalm "Pater, si non potest" from the simple gradual was sung, and the communion motet was Byrd's 'Ave Verum Corpus.'
The recessional hymn was 'O sacred head Surrounded' I really wanted it to be 'Lord Christ, When First Thou Cam'st to Earth." It's a lot more triumphant, focuses on the passion of Our Lord and fickleness of the crowds, and works better as a procession hymn. ( 'O Sacred head' is too slow, and sounds more like a communion hymn when played in a lenten manner*)
Postlude was the prelude from BWV 543 .
All in all, great, but the crucifer holds the cross in that weird way that you see at the Washington National Cathedral, with the palm outwards and the cross held extremely high and at an angle.
Also good that it was a warm sunny day as opossed to last year's cold, cloud, and drizzle.
Also, I really must get used to people who only come to church four times a year and don't know how to receive communion or behave in church. Maybe there should be an announcemnt that only neccesary talking is done in the church, even then, in a whisper. Everything else is done in the narthex or outside, 'cause some of us are trying to make our thanksgivings after communion.
I ended up waiting till everyone else was gone, then I made my thanksgiving and said Sext from my diurnal.
*Lenten manner means mostly flutes and principals 4' and 8'. No mixtures or reeds, and nothing loud. No pedal 32' is ever used.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
For Palm Sunday (I)
All Glory Laud, and honor. (Stolen from Rose Maniple.) This is officially my favorite rendition of this hymn. That introduction is amazing. I wonder what kind of trumpet it is? Not French trumpet, It's too soft and get's lost. I'll guess, and yes, it's a guess, either a soft Bombarde or a Cornopean.
Friday, April 3, 2009
40 ours Devotion.

*Or a Te Deum hymn paraphrase, like 'O God Beyond all Praising', or 'God, we Praise you.'
On ambos.

Inspired by tis post.
One thing I really like is when a parish has a really good ambo. It really does give prominence to the readings at mass. Plus, I like to actually SEE the reader, not hear a disembodied voice over the speakers. So short little reading-desks are out. And since I'm about to make a tangent anyway, I know we should be inclusive and welcoming and stuff to everyone, and that's all good, but I don't think it's really discrimination if we make sure that readers at mass can actually, you know, read. There's nothing more painful than being at the mass with the person who reads everything in a whisper, or the person who reads in a monotone like Ben Stein, or the person who just can't pronounce words.
It gets worse: he also plays his music all the way turned up so he can play along. I can't get a moment of silence to practice my music. holy Saturday is a week away and I still don't have the office down, much less the vigil mass.
My patience is gone.
A Sermon by S.Bernard.

The Martyrdom of the Virgin is set before us, not only in the prophecy of Simeon, but also in the story itself of the Lord's Passion. The holy old man said of the Child Jesus : Behold, this Child is set for the fall and the rising again of many in Israel ; and for a sign which shall be spoken against ; yea (said he unto Mary), a sword shall pierce through thine own soul also. Even so, O Blessed Mother! The sword did indeed pierce through thy soul! for nought could pierce the Body of thy Son, nor pierce thy soul likewise. Yea, and when this Jesus of thine had given up the ghost, and the bloody spear could torture him no more, thy soul winced as it pierced his dead side―his own Soul might leave him, but thine could not.
The sword of sorrow pierced through thy soul, so that we may truly call thee more than martyr, in whom the love, that made thee suffer along with thy Son, wrung thy heart more bitterly than any pang of bodily pain could do. Did not that word of his indeed pierce through thy soul, sharper than any two-edged sword, even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit : Woman, behold thy son! O what a change to thee! Thou art given John for Jesus, the servant for his Lord, the disciple for his Master, the son of Zebedee for the Son of God, a mere man for Very God. O how keenly must the hearing of those words have pierced through thy most loving soul, when even our hearts, stony, iron, as they are, are wrung at the memory thereof only!
Marvel not, my brethren, that Mary should be called a Martyr in spirit. He indeed may marvel who remembereth not what Paul saith, naming the greater sins of the Gentiles, that they were without natural affection. Far other were the bowels of Mary, and far other may those of her servants be! But some man perchance will say : Did she not hope that he was soon to rise again? Yea, she most faithfully hoped it. And did she still mourn because he was crucified? Yea, bitterly. But who art thou, my brother, or whence hast thou such wisdom, to marvel less that the Son of Mary suffered than that Mary suffered with him? He could die in the Body, and could not she die with him in her heart? His was the deed of that Love, greater than which hath no man, hers, of a love, like to which hath no man, save he.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Compassion of the Blessed Virgin.

Collect of the day (2002 Roman Missal)
Deus, qui ecclesiae tuae in hoc tempore tribuis benigne, beatam Mariam in passione Christi contemplanda devote imitari, da nobis, quaesumus, eiusdem Virginis intercessione, Unigenitio Filio tuo firmius in dies adhaerere et ad plenitudinem gratiae eius demum pervenire.
O God, who graciously grants to your church in this time to imitate Blessed Mary, in devoutly contemplating the Passion of Christ: Grant we beseech you, the intercession of the same Virgin,that we might in these days adhere more firmly to your only Begotten Son, and come at last to the fullness of grace.
Prayer by S.Bridget:
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Mother of God, who didst endure a martyrdom of love and grief beholding the sufferings and sorrows of Jesus! Thou didst cooperate in the benefit of my redemption by thine innumerable afflictions and by offering to the Eternal Father His only begotten Son as a holocaust and victim of propitiation for my sins. I thank thee for the unspeakable love which led thee to deprive thyself of the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus, true God and true Man, to save me, a sinner. Oh, make use of the unfailing intercession of thy sorrows with the Father and the Son, that I may steadfastly amend my life and never again crucify my loving Redeemer by new sins, and that, persevering till death in His grace. I may obtain eternal life through the merits of His Cross and Passion. Amen.
Litany of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Stabat Mater.
Little Office of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Why am I fearing that he does'nt really know what he's doing?
It seems that for many, the kool-aid has worn off so they've got a handy pair or rose-colored glasses.
(Semi)New Art.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I've decided to stop attending Latin masses.
Sorry for any shock I caused more traditional readers. There's something else I need you to know, but I feel it's best said in black text. highlight it with your cusor to see.
SHENANIGANS! Cause, It's like, April Fools Day so I wroted a joke post and stuff about something that's probably not going to happen unless I get amnesia and am suddenly stupider and stuff so....yah...
Accessible? LULZ!
I knew I forgot something.
Win. ^____^