Monday, September 29, 2008

Rosary Novena

Mine starts today. It should have started last night, but my mom and I went to Trader Joes to buy food and stuff. I ave a headache right now, so I'll have to brave the ponding pain (Because no matter ow much I try, I still can't take pills. There's no liquid Tylenol in the house.)
October is the month of the holy rosary, so if you aren't in the habit of saying it at least once a week, a rosary novena is a good way to start. The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is on October 7, and pious custom has made October the month to say the rosary. On Fridays, It's a good practice to offer your rosary for the dead. That used to be my habit, but honestly, I'll admit it, it's been a good four weeks since I've said the rosary daily.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

40 Days for Life

It started today! And I forgot!D<
I can't go to Allentown, so I'll participate in my own way by praying and fasting. Friday and Saturday will be my fast days, and I'll keep it in my prayer intentions. Visit the site! Ad if you can go to a group near you, do it! If like me you can't go , pray and do penances for this intention.
Read up on your Saints for life! Saint Gerard Magella, (Or whatever his last name is) Saint Raymond Nonnatus, Saint Gianna, and of course, the Blessed Virgin.
In case you're wondering, I just ate five donuts and drank some Coke, so all the exclamation points are from my daily after-school- but-before-homework sugar rush.

Our Lady of Mercy.

Today is the feast of Our Lady of Mercy, the foundress of the order of mercy.
Wait- did I just say Mary founded the Mercedarians?
Why yes. There's a whole story to it. From today's office:
"In the early part of the thirteenth century of the era of our Lord, the greatest and fairest part of Spain lay crushed under the yoke of the Saracens, and countless numbers of the faithful were held in brutal slavery, with the most lively danger of being made to deny the Christian faith and of losing everlasting salvation. Amid such sorrows the most Blessed Queen of heaven came mercifully to the rescue, and shewed how the greatness of her motherly love was fain for their redemption. Holy Peter Nolasco, in the full bloom of the treasures of godliness as well as rich in earthly wealth, was earnestly pondering with himself how he could succour so many suffering Christians dwelling in bondage to the Moors.
To him appeared with gracious visage the Most Blessed Virgin, and bade him know that it would be well-pleasing in her own sight, and in the sight of her Only-begotten Son, that an Order of Religious men should be founded in her honour, whose work it should be to redeem prisoners from Mohammedan slavery. Strengthened by this heavenly vision, the man of God began to burn with wonderful charity, nursing in his heart the one desire that he himself and the Order which he should found might exercise that love, greater than which hath no man, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Upon the same night the same most holy Virgin appeared to the Blessed Raymund de Pennafort, and to James, King of Aragon, charging them concerning the founding of the Order, and desiring them to help in raising up so great a work. Peter betook himself forthwith to the feet of Raymund, who was his confessor, and laid the matter before him, whom also he found taught from heaven, and to whose governance he right humbly submitted himself. Then came King James, who appointed to carry out this revelation, which himself also had received from the Most Blessed Virgin. The three took counsel together, and all with one consent entered upon the institution of an Order in honour of the said Virgin Mother, to be placed under the invocation of St. Mary of Ransom, for the Redemption of Captives."

(What follows is just my rambling thoughts.)
One of the charisms of the Mercedarians today is to save Christians who are in danger of heresy or apostasy from them. It is altogether fitting that on this day we say in the divine office the ancient antiphon, Gaude, María Virgo: "Joy to thee, O Virgin Mary, for thou hast trampled down all the heresies in the whole world"
Jesus is the truth, and the blessed virgin brought him forth in conceiving him. Trough her humility and obedience to God's word, she brought forth truth to the world.
My favorite images of Our Lady are those old medieval images of her wearing a large cloak, with men, and women, children, all sorts of clerics and laypeople of different races begin sheltered by it. That is the merciful virgin. John, representing unredeemed humanity at the foot of the cross, was given Mary to be his mother. Mary is mystically our mother . In the book of Revelations, where the woman (A mystical representation of the Church, Israel, and Our lady) who is shown as being clothed in gold and white as the sun, with the moon under her feet and wearing a crown, notice that Satan after being unable to defeat her child (Jesus, our Lord. then goes to fight and destroy the children of the Woman. Who are the Woman's children? All those who keep the commandments of God, and hold fast to the gospel of Jesus, in other words, Christians. And as all good mothers, she is merciful. She consoles her children in their sorrow, she is compassionate. She helps them when they need it. She shows us the way. Jesus is the only way, there is no other. It is totally fitting that in the same month where we celebrate the blessed Virgin's compassion in suffering with Christ on the fifteenth, that we should celebrate her mercy.
Happy feast day to all the Mercedarians!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Found It!

A while ago, while we were discussing the recently approved translations for the ordinary of the mass at TNLM, we somehow got around to talking about using settings made to sound like chant that were written in 1964-65 after the first ever approved English translation of the mass was given. It corresponds almost exactly to the new one, except in a few places in the gloria and credo. Only, we wondered whether using translations which did not absolutely line up with the new ones was Ok. I brought up that I had once read that it was legitimate to use older translations in the mass, even if they did not concur with the approved translations. But I could'nt find the documentation, so I left it alone. Until today I found:

"In accord with no. 55 of the instruction of the Congregation of Riteson music in the liturgy (March 5, 1967), the Conference of Bishophas determined that vernacular texts set to music composed in earlier periods may be used in liturgical services even though they may not conform in all details with the legitimately approved versions of liturgical texts (November, 1967). This decision authorizes the useof choral and other music in English when the older text is not precisely the same as the official version."
There we go. I wonder if we can take this further and use Merbecke? [/probablyserious]
If anyone wants English chant settings of the ordinary of the mass, and some propers, send me an e-mail! They're all very good, and are real monodic chant. I have a choral mass written by Ned Rorem also.

Monday, September 22, 2008

I hate SAT prep.

Or maybe the entire English language. It's weird, because I pretty much consider myself a grammar nazi. But seriously, I've never heard of these words, so who could expect that I could define "Concatenation"? I can pretty much guess at "Animadversion", and everyone knows "Excoriation" and "Banal", but "Impecunious"? "Ebullient"? "Imperturbable"? At least it had my inside joke word, Cavorting. (From an episode of Johny Bravo where the mayor' wife exclaims " I thought you promised, No More Cavorting!" later on, when she accidentally receives a present for someone else, she says "You're cavorting with some woman named Bunny, aren't you!?!"
And all this is just units 1-4.

Monday. (Or, how I learned to follow dosage instructions.)

(Lady handing out free Alavert)
The last three days have been Interesting.
Friday night, I got that dry feeling on my throat that usually signals and oncoming assault of the A.F. (Allergen Forces) but I blew it off, as I had'nt been around any flowers or dust. But I did have an attack. Not a terrible one, but still pretty bad. I took some alavert, and expected to feel perfectly fine on Sunday to serve mass. A friend of mine called and asked me to serve his mass, and I agreed. Saturday night I was feeling worse, but fine enough to serve mass. Or so I thought.
Sunday was terrible.
I woke up feeling not too bad, but decided to take a tablet anyway. Then I took a second. But the time I got to the church, the A.F. were kicking in with full attack, so I took a third alavert. Big mistake. It turned out that the other server was also conveniently having an allergy attack on the same day. So the two of us served in a medicine- induced daze. It might have been the only day that I've ever wished that they didn't use the Roman Canon on Sundays. After mass, I got a drink of water, and stuffed some tissue in my cassock sleeve. Surprisingly, the incense didn't bother my nose because I couldn't smell it, which was a shame because it was this gold incense called "Queen of Heaven", and I really would like to have smelled it. I couldn't really bow during the mass, because it gave me a headache and made my nose run, not to mention, my back was killing me, and the drowsiness from taking more than one alavert on the same day was kicking in. I was dying from a dry throat, and had to get a drink after the sermon. During the canon, I could barely keep myself kneeling upright from the drowsiness and back pain, so I took a rest in the sacristy after the mysterium fidei until the ablutions.
So, because there was no ice cream social (the ice cream was'nt delivered. D<) I went home, and napped, slept, and snoozed. I didn't get any of my weekend homework done. I was still feeling bad today, so I skirted the attendance policy and stayed home. I rested, did some homework, and got online. And here I am.

Friday, September 19, 2008

*Talks like a Pirate*

It;s talk like a pirate day! My second most favoritest unofficial holiday in the world!
At lunch, me and some friends actually did attempt to talk like pirates. it was awful, and not the good awful. But it was fun. I would have worn an eye patch and at during school, because the uniform code does'nt specify eye patches. But apparently, fake eye patches fall under "outlandish and gaudy clothing", which has been prohibited in my school since the 60's.
two days ago, I had the weirdest dream.
Ok, so here's how it goes:
I'm watching a TV, and there's a flood going on. There's a house on a low hill surrounded by water, and three kids, a little boy, a girl about ten, and an older guy about my age, sitting on the lawn waiting to be drowned. Then, I'm on the lawn trying to save th kids, but they run away. So I'm trying to catch them, and then they turn into bunnies, and I have a shot gun, and I'm trying to catch the rabbits. So the rabbit kids are like "Stop trying to kill us!" and I'm like "But if I don't, you'll die. Or something like that." We run about for a while, ad the we're at Girard Avenue, near the Shoprite in west philly. I notice the kid/bunnies are gone, and there's a bunch of people coming out of their houses to see what's going on. So suddenly, I'm at the other end of the block, and I start singing a song about who I remember, and who I don't. Some girl gives a soprano solo about ow much she loves muffin, and a guy a his metal band play an awesome song about the Bannas in Pajamas. The final number is a big musical finale involving the whole neighborhood as chorus and backup dancers. I sing aother solo and we end with jazz hands.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Here's One Photo.

Remember that first day? I took this on Sunday:
A few more.

Monday, September 15, 2008

More vids.

This time, High mass from a seminary in France. Enjoy.
It contains one of my favorite mass settings, and my favorite Credo. My third favorite motet also. (Iesu Dulcis Memoria, Victoria.)
I've been looking through the server's guide in my links , and I've pretty much gotten down serving low mass and acting as thurifer in high mass.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Not Working.

I took a whole mes of photos at the tridentine mass this morning, in thanksgiving for the Motu Proprio, but they won't upload. D: We should all take a day this week and offer penances of our holy father Benedict XVI. Maybe later. Tomorrow is the feast of our lady of sorrows, which is one of my favorite feasts. It's kind of a shame, the best parts of the Stabat Mater are given at matins, but I don't have matins in my Latin breviary. Only Lauds to Compline.
Also, I talked to brother David, the brother in charge of the servers about serving the Tridentine mass. I know most of what to do, I just ave some foggy spots here and there. we'll see how that goes. Speaking of serving, is there any explanation as to why certain servers who shall not be named have been consecutively not showing u whenever I serve? I mean, I'm an unpleasant character, don't get me wrong, but hey, It's mass, and you're on the rota. Just do it and pretend I'm not there.
Getting back to today, I gave myself a little feast today: Chicken Gorgonzola with rice. It's not my favorite meal (Which is between Chili and Lasagna.), but It's good for a feast day. Caramel apple pie and my favorite soft drink (orange soda, naturally) finished it off.
I was playing Ratchet and Clank again with my brother last night, and did not know about the surprise ending. Apparently, at the end of DeadLocked, you can choose to start the game over with all you armor, weapons, bolts and health stats. We did so. It's Friggin' Awesome. We made like 6 million bolts on on mission just defeating re-spawning enemies. We bought this cool huge gun that I forgot the name of, and spent like four million bolts on alpha and omega upgrades for our weapons.
I hope to get back on my normal sleeping schedule, and off my summer one so that I can start going to daily mass again/getting to school on time. The attendance policy is strict at my school. Three latenesses equal and absence, and three absences in any class during the quarter are a fail for that class. I already missed a day of school due to waking up at 7:30.
The cat insists on sleeping on to of the monitor, even though her breed is a large breed of cat and he does'nt at all fit. Silly cat. It's time for her check up, and I'm afraid of a large lump on kitty's belly. I think it might be a tumor.
Well, mom wants me to walk her to wlagreen's, to TTFN.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Part VII: Quam oblationem. and Consecration.

"Quam oblationem tu, Deus, in omnibus, quaesumus, benedictam, adscriptam, ratam, rationabilem, acceptabilemque facere digneris: ut nobis Corpus, et Sanguis fiat dilectissimi Filii tui Domini nostri Iesu Christi."

"Vouchsafe, O God, we beseech thee, in all things to make this oblation blessed, approved and accepted, a perfect and worthy offering: that it may become for us the Body and Blood of thy dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ."
We ask the father to bless and accept the offering that Christ will soon make on the altar, that of his own body and blood, for all the ends of intentions which we have prayed for. Now, comes the moment. The moment upon which all heaven, all earth, all creation has waited. The king of kings, the lord of lords comes to dwell among his servants, in order to make possible the promise he made to dwell in us, and we in him. ( John 6:56-59) In so holy a moment, in which Christ himself mystically speaks his own words, those he gave at the last supper, it is not odd that many pious people bow low during these words as the missal instructs the priest.
"Qui pridie quam pateretur, accepit panem in sanctas ac venerabiles manus suas, et elevatis oculis in coelum ad te Deum Patrem suum omnipotentem tibi gratias agens, benedixit, fregit, diditque discipulis suis, dicens:
Accipite, et manducate ex hoc omnes, Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum, Quod Pro Vobis Tradetur."

"Who the day before he suffered,( He takes the bread.) took bread into his holy and venerable hands, and with eye lifted up to heaven unto thee, God, his almighty Father, giving thanks to thee,He blessed, brake and gave it to his disciples, saying:
( He bows down)
Take, and eat ye all of this: For This Is My Body, Which Will Be Given Up For You."
He elevates the host and bells are rung by the servers, the host is censed, and many people look up and recite St. Thomas words as a statement of belief in Christ resurrection, his divinity, and his Eucharistic presence: "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28) After elevating the host for the people's devotion, he genuflects. Originally, the genuflection at the consecration was singular, and did not occur until the consecration of the chalice. But there was in the tenth century , a heretical priest who denied Christ's physical presence in the blessed sacrament at the consecration, saying he did not become present until after the consecration of the wine. After he was denounced as a heretic, it became widespread to genuflect right after the elevation of the host as a sign of our belief that Jesus becomes present at the words of consecration.
After rising, the priest continues:

"Simili modo postquam coenatum est, accipiens et hunc praeclarum Calicem in sanctas ac venerabiles manus suas: item tibi gratias agens, benedixit deditque discipulis suis, dicens: Accepite, et bibite ex eo omnes:Accipite et bibite ex hoc omnes:
Hix Est Enim Calix Sanguinis Mei, Novi et Aeterni Testamenti. Qui Pro Vobis et Pro Multis Effundetur, In remissioem Peccatorem. Hoc Facite in Meum Commemorationem."

"Likewise after supper (He takes the chalice into is hands) taking also this goodly chalice into His holy and venerable hands, again giving thanks to Thee He blessed, and gave it to His disciples, saying: Take and drink ye all of it:
For This Is the Chalice of My Blood, The Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant. It Shall be Shed for You and for The Many, for the Remission of Sins. This Do in Remembrance of Me."

He elevates the chalice of Christ's blood for the adoration of the faithful. It's a pious custom to recite at this moment, a paraphrase of another verse from holy scripture: "Thou hast redeemed us O Lord, not with perishable things, but with thine own precious blood." (I Peter 1:18-19)
Rising to his feet, the priest sings "Mysterium Fidei", "The Mystery of faith". The mystery of faith is Christ's death on the cross, made present at the consecration. These words, Mysterium Fidei serve themselves as a proclamation that what has just occurred on the altar is the Mystery of Faith.The mystery of his presence in the blessed sacrament, which is why we sing:
"Salvator mundi, salva nos, qui per crucem et resurrectionem tuam liberasti nos."
"Savior of the World, save us! By your cross and resurrection you have set us free."

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hong Kong too.

Yep. More Tridentine mass vids. This time from Hong Kong. The sound isn't perfect, but it includes my second favorite introit. (My favorite will always be the introit for easter Sunday, Ressurexit.)
It's amaing, it seems to me that there are may more videos like this a year after Summorum Pontificum than there used to be. Literally more than I could count.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

If this post does not put you in awe....

....You have no soul. Go over to TNLM for an amazing post about church architecture. It's simply amazing, the theological richness of traditional church architecture, things I never thought about before. Instead of this, we often get bland, plain, banal boxes with little to no decoration and paltry theology behind it. See that photo? That is a church.

Yeah, about dropping atomic bombs on the middle east...

..My friend at school, we'll call him Anna, has disagreed with me for the past four years about a certain subject. It's his opinion that we should drop nuclear (or atomic) bombs on the whole of the middle east, and kill everyone there. He believes that if this happens, there will be no more Islamofascism. I beleive that it would be a terrible idea. For the reasons that:

A) There are Islamofascists spread all throughout Africa, and in western Europe. We would have to blow Africa and Europe up too, and in my opinion,that risks destroying the world, basically.

B) Radical Islam is an ideology. A religious observance, An Idea. If you don't get where I'm going, it's Intangible. Ideas spread, and as quickly as you destroy it in one place, it will spring up in another. (My friend implicitly conceded this point, I'll get to it later. )

C) It could possibly make the situation worse. They already beleive that we're infidels, and need to be conquered by Islam because of our immorality, and take Christianity as the source of this. If the U.S., a country they beleive is totally Christian were to attempt to blow them all up, this would fuel the convictions of any and all survivors. So what happens when you have several million crazed religious lunatics assured that you want to kill them, and their own convictions are that you yourself need to die a violent and painful death? You should be able to aswer that.

D) Anna posits that in blowing up the middle east, we destroy the root of the problem, and that all radical Muslims everywhere else in the world will die out completely. I have two counterexamples : Christianity and Nazism. Of those, Nazism serves as a better counter example.
Anna says that just like going into Nazi Germany destroyed Hitler, and thus all Nazism, and dropping an atomic bomb in Japan destroyed Communism, dropping a bomb on the Middle east will destroy radical Islam. Problem: There are still Nazis and Communists around.
True, Nazi are not as vocal, and have less power, but they still exist. Especially in America with the Neo-Nazi/Skinhead movement. Arguably, if we don't do something about that, as disorganized as Neo-Nazism is, it could get worse.
Following that logic, instead of obliterating radical Islam, we could just end up spreading it round the world in factions that are not usually known to the general public.

E) Anna also conceded to me that dropping a bomb on the middle east may not be justifiable. Actually, he told me it wasn't justifiable. In truth, his entire argument for his case seemed to be based on Appeals to Emotion and Strawmen of my position. I tried to explain that he was using logical fallacies, and that these don't help to prove his case, just ruin the discussion. He told me that not everyone thinks the same way I do.
He then interjected a new argument: Either you're for dropping a bomb to end the conflict, or you're a pacifist who does'nt want anything done. I'm not a pacifist. I don't like them. I despise pacifism in all it's forms, because pacifists are no more logical then he, they just go to the other extreme. Note also the False Dichotomy.
Anna and another friend of mine the begin to call me Stupid, Dimwitt, and other such names of a more, um, explicit nature. I confess, at that point I was so angry at his lack of logic that when he called me stupid a fifth time,I told him that I though it was him and his non- arguments that were stupid there.
At which point, we agreed to disagree because the lunch bell rang, and it was time to go to gym.
I learned to important things from this debate:
1) It's fruitless to debate with someone who admits that their position is unjustifiable, yet still holds it, and debates using logical fallacies and refuses to admit that using them is wrong.
2) If I ever debate him again, I will have him begin by stating his position. That way, he has to justify his, and if he counters by telling my to justify mine instead, I call him out for shifting the burden of proof. :D
*EDIT*: I'll probably regret posting this whole debate soon :D

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

St. Nicholas of Tolentine!

Today is the feast day of my St Nicholas of Tolentine, who I chose as my confirmation name/patron saint.
From today's office:

Nicholas is called of Tolentino, because he lived in that town for most part of his life. He was born at Sant'Angelo, in the March of Ancona. His parents were godly people, and in their desire to have children, vowed and made a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Nicholas at Bari, where they were assured of their wish, and therefore gave the name of Nicholas to the son whom they received. From his childhood the boy gave many good signs, but especially as regarded abstinence. In his seventh year, in imitation of his blessed name-sake, he began to fast upon several days in the week, which custom he always kept, and was content with only bread and water. After he reached man's estate, he enlisted himself in the army of the clergy, and was preferred to a Canonry. One day he chanced to hear a sermon upon contempt of the world delivered by a preacher of the Order of Hermits of St. Augustine, and was so moved by it that he forthwith entered that Order. As a Friar he was most strictly observant of that way of life. He subdued his body with rough clothing, stripes, and an iron chain. He never ate meat, and seldom any relish to his meals. And he was a burning and shining light of love, lowliness, long-suffering, and all other graces He persisted in constant and earnest prayer, notwithstanding many troubles from the assaults of Satan, who sometimes even flogged him. Every night for six months before his death he heard Angels singing with such sweetness, that it was a foretaste of the happiness of heaven, and he would often repeat the words of the Apostle : I have a desire to depart and to be with Christ. Lastly, he foretold to his brethren the day of his death, which was the 10th day of September. After his death also he was famous for miracles, and when due investigation had been made thereof, Pope Eugene IV enrolled his name among those of the Saints.
Ant. Lo, a servant of God, * who esteemed as naught all things earthly, and by word and work laid him up treasures in heaven
V. The Lord guided the righteous in right paths.
R. And shewed him the kingdom of God.

Assist us mercifully, O Lord, in these our supplications which we make before thee on the feast of blessed Nicholas, thy holy Confessor : that we, who put not our trust in our own righteousness, may be succoured by the prayers of him that found favour in thy sight. Through.

Remember today the holy souls in purgatory!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Mass continued: Memento, Domine and Communicantes.

With hands extended, the celebrant says:
"Memento, Domine, famulorum, famularumque tuarum N. et N. et omnium circumstantium, quorum tibi fides cognita est, et nota devotio, pro quibus tibi offerimus: vel qui tibi offerunt hoc sacrificium laudis pro se, suisque omnibus: pro redemptione animarum suarum, pro spe salutis, et incolumitis suae: tibique reddunt vota sua aeterno Deo, vivo et vero."

"Remember, O Lord, thy servants and handmaids N. and N.
and all who here around us stand, whose faith is known unto thee and their steadfastness manifest, on whose behalf we offer unto thee: or who themselves offer unto thee this sacrifice of praise, for themselves, and for all who are theirs; for the redemption of their souls, for hope of their salvation and safety; and who offer their prayers unto thee, the eternal God, the living and the true."
From this part of the canon, we learn two more teachings of the church on the mass: Holy mother church teaches us that the mass is offered for the good of the living, because it is the same as that of calvary, and Christ's sacrifice at calvary made the redemption of all those living at the time possible, as well as the dead patriarchs,prophets, and holy men who lived before Christ, and those yet to exist on earth.

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

1371 The Eucharistic sacrifice is also offered for the faithful departed who "have died in Christ but are not yet wholly purified,"193 so that they may be able to enter into the light and peace of Christ:

The mass is offered with and for the body of Christ, the church. I have mentioned the pious custom of spiritually putting oneself beside the hosts in the ciborium. We ourselves are offered with Christ to the Father when we assist at the holy mass. The Catechism says:

1368 The Eucharist is also the sacrifice of the Church. The Church which is the Body of Christ participates in the offering of her Head. With him, she herself is offered whole and entire. She unites herself to his intercession with the Father for all men. In the Eucharist the sacrifice of Christ becomes also the sacrifice of the members of his Body. The lives of the faithful, their praise, sufferings, prayer, and work, are united with those of Christ and with his total offering, and so acquire a new value. Christ's sacrifice present on the altar makes it possible for all generations of Christians to be united with his offering.

Christ in the mass, because it is him presenting his precious blood before the Father as his perpetual intercession and mediation for us,obtains for us the needs which we implore of the father, namely, the salvation of souls, the well-being of our own souls, and the intentions we hold in our hearts for ourselves, and those who are near to us. We can come to him, the mediator of the new and eternal covenant, we can draw close to him and obtain of him the graces we need to follow him. (Hebrews 4:14-16)
The celebrant extends his hands and continues:

The church teaches that the mass is offered with all the saints in heaven:

1370 To the offering of Christ are united not only the members still here on earth, but also those already in the glory of heaven. In communion with and commemorating the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints, the Church offers the Eucharistic sacrifice. In the Eucharist the Church is as it were at the foot of the cross with Mary, united with the offering and intercession of Christ.
Pay attention to that bolded portion. At mass, we should envision ourselves as being at the foot of calvary itself, with Mary, St. John, and St. Mary Magdalene. Just as they were, we should not be concerned with outward participation. Outwardly, our Blessed Lady does not seem to have done much at the foot of the cross, but we know that interiorly, she was suffering all the pain of a mother seeing her son tortured to death. (Aside, September is the month of Our Lady of Sorrows.) Who would say that she, in her silence did not participate in her son's passion? Surely, she also was grieved in soul, she also felt pain, desolation, sorrow, just as Jesus experienced these feeling. Surely, John and Mary Magdalene felt the same feelings, as would anyone who saw a loved one treated so. This should be our disposition. One of quiet, reverent reflection on the mysteries of our redemption. This, is true active participation.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

Nativitas Hodie sancatae Mariae Virginis, cuis pulchritudinem respexit Deus et visitavit humilitatem.
Second Antiphon, Vespers of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

There are some real beautiful antiphons, hymns, and readings in today's office, which is one of my favorites to say. Besides the fact that we get more proper hymns (The breviary has many of them, sadly, none translated in the official Liturgy of the Hours. Excerpts:


O sancta mundi Domina
Regina caeli inclita
o stella maris fulgita
virgo mater mirifica

Natalis tui annua
en colimis sollemnia
quo stirpe delectissima
mundo fulgisti genita


Maria Virgo regia
David stirpe progenita
non tam paterna nobilis
quam digitate subolis

tu nos culparum nexibus
sacris absolve precibus
tua promentesmerita
ad caeli transfer praemia.

I beleive we share the Benedictus antiphon with some our of Eastern Christian brothers:

Natívitas tua, * Dei Génitrix Virgo, gáudium annuntiávit univérso mundo : ex te enim ortus est sol justítiæ, Christus Deus noster : qui solvens maledictiónem, dedit benedictiónem ; et confúndens mortem, donávit nobis vitam sempitérnam.

Finally, two of the lessons from the Roman Breviary for Matins:
Lesson iv:

"Dearly beloved brethren, the day for which we have longed, the Feast-day of the Blessed and Worshipful and Alway-Virgin Mary, that day is come. Let our land laugh and sing with merriment, bathed in the glory of this great Virgin's rising. She is the flower of the fields on which the priceless lily of the valleys hath blossomed. This is she whose delivery changed the nature that we draw from our first parents, and cleansed away their offence. At her that dolorous sentence which was pronounced over Eve ended its course ; to her it was never said : In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children. She brought forth a Child, even the Lord, but she brought him forth, not in sorrow, but in joy.
Lesson vi:
Let Mary now make a loud noise upon the organ, and between its quick notes let the rattling of the Mother's timbrel be heard. Let the gladsome choirs sing with her, and their sweet hymns mingle with the changing musick. Hearken to what a song her timbrel will make accompaniment. She saith : My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden, for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is Mighty hath magnified me. The new miracle of Mary's delivery hath effaced the curse of the frail backslider, and the singing of Mary hath silenced the wailing of Eve."- St. Augustine

Today was my second day of school. I had an appointment with the principal about the conflicts in my schedule. (i.e., First period is religion, ad I have French first period, as well as Physical Science .O___0.) Add to that, I have to transfer out of Pre-Cal to Geometry II, but geometry II is sixth period, when I have lunch. My only choices are to:

1) drop French, as well as Public Speaking (My Elective class.)

2) Drop only one, and take one of the courses eighth period and get out later. (Seniors don't have eighth period classes.)

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I went to the red bull soapbox race today. It was pouring rain, but there were hundreds of people there. A lot of them were drunk, which led to some humour. I had to get used to the smell of liquor. ( My family is made of teetotalers, so no liquor ever.) There was music, and commetary. Some of the cars in the race included:

A Krimpet
A Cheesesteak
Rocky Balboa
An Amish horse/buggy
A giant pink pump
Micheal Jackson
The Delorean (Back To the Future.)
A lady giving birth

I'm surprised no one did the Popemobile. There's a great name already. You make a big Triregno with the driver's head at the bottom as one of the jewels. That's Genius, I should have done it. It's so POD.
Also, we sang the Eagles fight song several times, proving the old saying that wherever there's more than one drunk Philadelphian, you get the Eagles fight song. Of course I had to join in, I'm from Philly. It's a natural reaction to join in once you hear "Fly Eagles, fly, on the road to victory....". Everyone was wet, which was part of the fun. At one point, people were actually cheering to get me to drop the umbrella, which I did because I was already soaked. It was good fun. I'd do it again anytime.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A Video and some Q&A. (Semi Rant?)

First Friday.

Q:Why didn't you want to attend the first Friday mass tonight?

A: Because I hate, hate Hate,Guitar Masses. I hate them. With a passion. I was subject to them since I first decided that I wanted to become Catholic, hence my fleeing for four year to Anglicanism. At least they have good music. Hence my daily walk of 15 blocks to Lourdes to get away from the local parish, (only across the street.) who does a guitar mass. If I had known ahead of time what it would have been like, I would have gone to adoration at St. John's, gone to the evening mass at the cathedral, and said my votive office of the Sacred heart+ private devotions in my own room, like I've done for the past three years.

Q: Why do you hate guitars?

A: I don't hate guitars. I dare anyone to look at the playlist on mu ipod and say that I hate guitars. I love rock music. I just don't love it in the holy sacrifice of the mass. That's God's time. We use his music. The church says that Chant and the Organ are the proper music of the liturgy. Other instruments may be admitted only on the condition that they can be made suitable for sacred use, and are not profane. Face the facts, guitars/keyboards/drums are not sacred instruments. They thus far have failed to be made sacred, unlike instruments such as the violin, cello, and other orchestral instruments , for which music with a truly sacred character has been written. (eg. Ned Rorem's mass.) on the contrary, the music written for the instruments which I don;t like i mass is not written with sacrality in mind, rather, it is written with identicality to secular music in mind. Face the facts, if you can't hear the words to one of songs, there's no way you'd know it was supposed to be sacred music. Compare that with Guillame de Duffay, or Byrd, or Durrufle, or John Tavener.You'd know without the words that their music was written expressly for ecclesiastical use. I'd say that Musicam Sacram 63 applies here. So none of that.

A: For what other reasons do you think these instruments shouldn't be used liturgically?

Oh, for many. If we remember that the documents of the Second Vatican Council should be read as the apex of a larger Liturgical Movement beginning with Pis X, continuing with Pius XII's Mediator Dei, and Musicae Sacrae, finally culminating in Sacrosanctum Concilium and Musicam Sacram. In both of these, any instruments that reflect profane music are condemned as unsuitable for use in the liturgy, some specific ones named. (Pianos, drums, bells, whistles.) In interpreting conciliar and post conciliar documents, we must take into mind the larger context of the whole liturgical movement itself. Through all these documents, the common thread of support for music which is integral to the Roman Rite is evident, as is the condemnation of music composed in the style of secular composers. All sacred music should be based on chant and polyphony, the two types of music officially enumerated as the church's music. That's not me talking, that Vatican II. (Musicam Sacram 59,60 )
Why was the true intent of the council abandoned, and the whole liturgical movement of the 20th century hijacked into oblivion? Don't know. But it happened, and I will not support further dissent form the motives of the church as they stood at Vatican II.

Q: So why did you leave the social after the mass?
Well, I had to be home by ten. Plus, there were more guitars, so I was starting to pile up mortal sins.

Q: So you're one of those elitst raving trads then?

A:,Umm..No? Tradition minded Catholic, but I don't subscribe to the mindset of trads. I'm not raving. Before you call me elitist, remember, being a minority who grew up in poverty, I have the sociological advantage. Hardly an elitist, so don't pull your liberal appeals to emotion on me. I win that one by default. Fail.

Q: Fine then Mr. Elitist, what have YOU done for liturgical Music Huh? Nothing but criticise!

A: Hey, cool it inner voice for the purpose of debate. I've done some stuff. I've written two chant masses, and an adaptation of the Ambrosian Gloria. I'm in the process of writing a choral mass for SATB choir and organ. I've written proper chants for some feasts of the liturgical year, all in English of course. I can read/ interpret Gregorian chant, and I can put together music for services based on a choir's ability. I doubt severely that any of it will be used, because the current establishment does'nt benefit small, poor composers like me.
To hit it big, you have to have money, just sos you can get printed in OCP/GIA. You need to be able to pay for copyrights, most importantly, you can't write in a sacred style. Basically, OCP/GIA/ (Insert name of big corporate bureaucracy running liturgical music in your country) gets to decide what kind of music you and everyone else will sing at mass, because they have the ability to distribute music easily and effectively, and you and I don't. They decide what goes in their music issues, and we don't. They have the upper hand at least when it comes to getting their music out. Especially since the current American hierarchy does'nt seem to care much about liturgy, unless they are disparaging the Tridentine mass. They support the big corps, who make sacro-pop/praise music, not the old masters (Palestrina, Byrd, Gabrielli, etc.) with their sacred music, nor the new guys who write in continuity with the old masters. So you and me, the little guys, we're stuck between several rocks and hard places, with no way out apparently.

Q:So you Are one of those raving Elitist Trads!!!11one!11!

A: *Headdesk/Facepalm* No. I just want to overthrow the establishment when it comes to the current liturgical environment on the world. I guess you could say that I'm a liturgical revolutionist. Or liturgical Anarchist. Ooo, that sounds cool. Liturgical Anarchist. It just rolls off the tongue. Liturgical Anarchist.

Q:Pirates or Ninjnas?

A:Pirates are coolest.

Q:Paper or Plastic?

A: Paper. The cats play in paper bags.

Q: Credit or Debit?

A:Neither. Theft.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another WTH moment.

Yes. Apparently, if you don't support the dismemberment of infants in the womb/ Killing of infants who survive abortions, you are not a True American(tm). (i.e., No true Scotsman Rules!)
Because True Americans always supported the termination of the lives of the innocent.
You know, except when they weren't.
I mean- What?
That has to be THE WORSE attempt at logic I've ever seen. I mean, it's like BOOM-Strawman! BAM!-Hasty generalization BOOM BOOM! More strawmen! Bam! Suppressed evidence! BANG BANG BANG-Non sequitur, non sequitur, non sequitur!
It's almost as bad as when people call it abortion rights. By what definition do we decide that abortion is a right? Is it a constitutional right? I say no. Is it a natural right? Again, I would say not. So what then is it, but manipulative language lousy rhetoric?
Again I will report my party line: Catholicism is a religion of moral and theological absolutes. If you don't like it, you're free to leave.
Don't be corrupting my Church with your heresy.

Blog Changes.

I've added new links/blogs to the right sidebar. (Mostly for me, thought you can read them.)
I'm also contemplating a name change, though I wonder how that will go with the one (1) person who's rickroll- Uh, blogrolled me. I also plan to change the template, and add some more photos.
And, last of all, I got a Flickr account, so I'll be uploading my own photos of Lourdes, since Mr. Treat entered religious life in August.
Oh wait, one more thing, tomorrow is my first day of school.
Okay, one last thing, I'm planning ahead to go to low mass on september 14th, in honor of the first anniversary of the much-beloved motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum.
Ok wait, this is the real last thing: I'm saving up to buy a copy of the Graduale Simplex. That way, I'll have the resources for a mass with chant only. (Propers plus ordinary. I already have a Kyriale.)

I'm Back from the hospital.

Yeah, hospital.
Remember that rafting trip I went on? With the water fights? Well, at one point after lunch, I got water thrown at my face, and it went into the ear. It bothered me for about an hour, but then went away. Friday, my ear was itchy. Sunday, it was annoying. Tuesday, it was painful, and so I went to the hospital. Turns out, I got a pretty bad ear infection. On the way home, we were subject to FOUR examples of PDA (Public Displays of Affection, which I hate.) Did I mention that I hate PDA?
There was a surprise for me when I got back. While we were at the hospital, Dad took a rush trip down to Blick art supplies, and got me some more manga paper and some manga pens (Which I've never used. I do all my work in pencil.) I owe a Catholic friend on Gaia some avi art, so I've got to get started on that. Also, I got my prescription filled today, and took my first dose of medicine.
Also, It's S.Gregory's day! Pray for the spread of Gregorian chant everywhere, so that SC and Tra le Sollecitudine will finally be implemented! I'll be singing vespers in my prayer room, from the Latin Liturgia horarum of course. Yay, we get proper hymns and antiphons today!
Did I mention that I hate PDA?
Ha, when you google Tra le Sollecitudine, my joke post on racial stereotypes and the priesthood comes up.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to me.

Yeah, yeah, it's already my birthday. In Japan at least. See that? That represents the present that I wanted, that I'm not going to get. While I'm at it, I could put up photos of the other two presents I wanted, but didn't get because Mom/Dad forgot birthday/Didn't care/Have decided that I don't deserve presents for the fourth year in a row/ Are arguing about who's going to buy them. Gah, stupid birthdays. I'll just say an office of thanksgiving, and go to mass tomorrow for my present.

Langlais: Messe Solonelle.

(If you like occasional dissonance, that is. But Bach's G Minor Fantasia has dissonance so, eh. Whatever.) I've been listening to this, as well as two of Widor's masses, and one of Vierne's.
Not the prominence of the organ? That's what I like about them. Also, out of the three, Vierne's kyrie has been my favorite. You just can't beat the pure emotion of that thunderous organ in the beginning. Which reminds me, I have to find some way to connect the "kyrie eleison" and the "Christe eleison" in my English mass. I'm lost and don't know how to do it. *Stares at work in progress.* Though I like the gloria in in Widor's.
I'm also at a loss as to how I'm going to registrate the organ at Lourdes for my piece. I've written it using the organ at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, which is a lovely 19 stop organ built in 1894 ( Modified in 1896), oddly, in the French style with the classic French reeds, and soft diapasons, and perfect mixtures. Though, sadly, the only pedal reed was taken out in the 1896 modification.
The organ at Lourdes is bigger, has three pedal reeds and a 32', and the terminology is German, whereas I'm accustomed to French. (i.e., Hautbois, Trompette, Montre, Tierce, etc.)

What the Hell?! O___o

I don't get it. Who'd want to see this? That's the most retarded 'smiley face' I've ever seen. What's with the eyes.
Oh, the ambiguity of 'rubrics'.
(I promise, this is the first and last time I'll post a photo of liturgical abuses. I just thought this was hilarious beyond compare.)