Sunday, April 13, 2008

40Hours Devotion and Solemn Vespers!

At Lourdes. Yes, I'm adverting services here again. 'Low mass' is in the church daily at 8:30 AM, Then the Sacrament is exposed all day until 7:30 sung vespers and benediction from Monday, April 14th, to Wednesday April 16th. Solemn Vespers,Procession, and Benediction in Wednesday at 7:30, with priests,clergy, and religious from around the diocese attending. I'll be there as thurifer (actually, all the servers will be there. Processions with 20 + Altar servers are so POD)
God willing, I'll be debuting my new lacy cotta (Still hasn't arrived, after much delay) I'll also be the server who has hiw own breviary, so you'll know me when you come. And you will come, right?

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