Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ritual Notes. (I+II Sundays of Advent)

I forgot to do last Sunday's report.

Anyway, There were four servers,celebrant and M.C. No entrance hymn, instead, the antiphon 'Ad te levavi" from the graduale simplex was sung during the procession and incensation.(The altar was again incensed as if it were'nt free-standing.) The mass setting was the one on the Kyriale appointed for Advent and Lent, but the Kyrie was 'de angelis'. The alleluia was the familiar triple version from the Liber Cantualis. I was surprised that the credo (Credo III) was sung. I though we did'nt do that, but now with it sung,we're only one ceremony short of a full high mass. Francis Xzavier Witt's setting of the proper offertory, "Ad te levavi" was sung during the offertory, followed by the hymn "Sleepers, wake".
At communion, the antiphon and psalm from the graduale simplex were sung, followed by ''Cast thy burden upon the Lord," Felix Mendelssohn.
The recessional was "When the king shall come again."

Advent II.

Five servers were scheduled, and one came. So You can guess who ended up serving.
The prelude was "Wachet Auf'', BWV 645
. All the chants were taken from the simle gradual.The vestments were violet with violet, gold, and rose orphreys, and a maniple was worn. The credo was sung again, and after the intercessions, hay and straw for people's creches were blessed. At the offertory, after the proper chant, "Sleepers, wake " was sung again. at commuion, after the proper chant, 'Veni, veni Emmanuel" was sung. One of the brothers made an announcement about his final vows next Saturday evening at 4:00 pm, and after the blessing, "On Jordan's Bank, the Baptist's cry" was sung. The postlude was BWV 543.

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