Wednesday, March 25, 2009

happy Lady Day!

Went to 'low mass' at the parish church, then doubled-back because I forgot my breviary and my Imitation of Christ. Dad forgot to leave money, so no breakfast or lunch, and potato chips for dinner.
I sang vespers using the antiphons in the Liber, but using the modern breviary of course. Rosary at the shrine (Joyful mysteries as a break from the lenten sorrowful mysteries) Passiontide will soon be upon us, and then holy week and the sacred triduum. Looked at the office for holy saturday , the mass of Palm Sunday, and the introit for next Sunday, passion sunday. I'm so glad that vespers are only recited on monotone, not sung during the triduum.
At organ practice tomorrow, I'll try the french trumpet with the antiphonale l open so I can hear it's full volume.
*ETA* My Gosh, that's Loud. It competes with the en chamades. I was actually scared when I played a chord because of the volume.

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