Saturday, May 22, 2010


*Sigh* I had to take a break today. I've been over-extending myself lately, trying to take care of things at home (Spoiler: Things are not taken care of at home) While simultaneously trying to find a job (Spoiler: No one wants to hire me) and make Dad feel as comfortable as circumstances will allow (Spoiler: I haven't helped.) 

Anyway, I have a sleeping schedule that I've been on since sixth grade, that I've Never broken. Not till now, at least. On Thursday, I didn't get back home till after ten. By the time I had cooked dinner and straightened the house, and got the chants for first vespers of Pentecost ready, it was after 1:00 AM. I woke up the next day, an hour later than usual, and dragged myself out of the house to the hospital and downtown to Centre City to pay the water bill. Luckily, this being Philly, the guys at the water department did their best to make things go quickly and easily. And by that I mean that they did their utmost to drag things out to make them as excruciatingly boring and tedious as an inner-city bureaucracy can.

I got home at 3:00 PM, and decided to take a power nap. (I Never take naps) I ended up staying asleep till ten PM. I did'nt bother with cleaning, I just made an attempt at Spanish rice for dinner, and watched some episodes of the Venture Brothers* and Rocko before I went to bed. Well  past 2:30 AM. Back up by 8:30, and after a short breakfast (the remains of which were eaten by that horrible monster that I call my brother's cat) I took the day off. All I did were Lauds and the little hours of the Vigil of Pentecost. Just R&R until 4:00 PM.


If you get that reference, you saw the episode. It was the one with the pirate ship and Brock gets captured and ends up teaching Hank how to kill people but Hank doesn't like to kill them all the way so they just end up temporarily unconscious and permanently paralysed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kind of sounds like someting as been bothering you...I really don't think its healthy to stay up that long either. Well i guess I can't really say anything, I'm just a kid. hope everything is okay.
