Saturday, March 8, 2008

O SNAP....

I went to a requiem mass today by accident!
No really. Instead of our usual Saturday Salve mass, there was a requiem for the repose of the soul of Fra' Andrew Bertie, prince and grand master of the knights of malta.
The ordinary of the mass was taken from the requiem mass of the kyriale, and the propers- yes, Propers, were taken from the roman gradual for the requeim mass. Including the gradual, which replaced the responsorial psalm. But there's more! Fr. Rutler of the Church of Our Saviour in New York was the celebrant. I almost kind of met him, as we were both knelling at the altar rail after mass, and I waved a little. Then I went home, bough two gallons of water, tried to carry them and an umbrella at the same time, picked them up again when the bags broke, ran after the umbrella when the wind blew it, canceled my organs lessons for today, and said Terce. All before 11 in the morning. Oh yeah, I got bit by a crane*

*LIE. But it would have been funny had that happened.

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