Sunday, March 16, 2008

Palm Sunday at St.Peter's

You can see today from these images, thaty they really are opening the closets and bringing out old things for papal celebrations. Both the dalmatics and the papal cross date from around John XXIII 's pontificate (Though the cross may have belonged to Leo XIII. No one's sure.) I really did'nt like the music though. A lot of it seemed kind of sappy or like broadway music. Not to mention they used a setting for a festal mas for palm sunday, which just isn't right.

I don’t know if this signals the complete retirement of Pope John Paul II’s staff or not.

Mons. Marini in another nice surplice. You can kind of see the pontifical dalmatic.

Palm branches are'nt universl. Often, you will see other branches, such as olive.

Fancy Woven palms. I like these.

Cardinal deacons in the afore mentioned dalmatics. I'm not sure where the cope is from.

The deacons who sang the passion:

As I said, I think these are John XXIII's dalmatics:

I actually like the choral parts of the passion. The other parts, not so much. But I still loved it and want to hear the passion sung in my church.

More prelates (Cardinals and Bishops) In attendance In Choro:

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