Friday, March 7, 2008

S.Thomas Aquinas

Today, being his feast in the 1962 breviary. Of course, he's one of my patron saints, so,from the legend of the feast:

Being let down from a window, Thomas escaped out of the castle of Monte San Giovanni, and returned to Naples. Thence he went first to Rome, and then to Paris, in company of Brother John the German, then Master-General of the Friars Preachers. At Paris he studied Philosophy and Theology under Albert the Great Doctor. At the age of twenty-five years he took the degree of Master, and gave public disquisitions on the Philosophers and Theologians with great distinction. He never set himself to read or write till he had first prayed, and when he was about to take in hand a hard passage of the Holy Scriptures, he fasted also. Hence he was wont to say to Brother Reginald his comrade, that whatever he knew, he had learnt, not to much from his own labour and study, as from the inspiration of God. At Naples he was once kneeling in very earnest prayer before an image of Christ Crucified, when he head a voice which said : Thomas, thou hast written well of me. What reward wilt thou that I give thee? He answered : None other, Lord, but thyself. He studied most carefully the works of the Fathers, and there was no kind of author in which he was not well read. His own writings are so wonderful, both because of their number, their variety, and the clearness of his explanations of hard things, that his rich and pure teaching, marvellously consonant with revealed truth, is an admirable antidote for the errors of all times.
Ant. O Doctor óptime, * Ecclésiæ sanctæ lumen, beáte Thoma, divínæ legis amátor, deprecáre pro nobis Fílium Dei.

(O Doctor right excellent, * O light of Holy Church, O blessed Thomas, lover of the divine law, entreat for us the Son of God.)

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