Monday, March 24, 2008

Surrexit Dominus Vere!

I encourage you all to visit Fr. Z's blog to read our holy father's inspiring homily for the easter vigil.
I'm so tired, after serving the easter vigil, then waking up to say matins (Thank God, Eastertide means an office of three lessons for the octave) then was thurifer for the great mass of Easter day. Nothing like smoking up the church to show the joy of Easter. (Look at that Chasuble! Real Gold!)I went to Easter dinner with the family (Lovely roast) I continued an ongoing debate with some one on gaia about many,many things. He's very random, and changes the subject very often. He adores walls of text . He tries to point out non-existing contradictions by setting up strawmen, and twisting words. Anyhow, I could'nt say vespers, so I'll say the Regina Caeli at compline tonight. I decorated the home altar with flowers, got rid of the Lenten veils, and put back the lamps. Also, last week at a garge sale, I came across two very beautiful images of the Sacred Heart and Our mother of Perpetual Help. They're handcarved, and gilded, but look very,very old (perhaps eighty or so years!) I'll need to work on them.
And I'm sure you've seen Papa Bene in the white Mozetta! Amazing! Talk about continuity, those vatican closets are getting plenty of air.

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