Thursday, July 8, 2010

And now, time for something completely different.

All services are the ordinary form unless specified. For 'low mass', I mean just one server, no sung ordinary or propers. For 'sung mass', I mean at least four servers, incense, sung ordinary and propers plus motets and hymns. For 'solemn high mass', I mean two concelebrants or deacons, or deacon and acolyte besides the celebrant. Five mass servers plus four torchbearers, incense, sung ordinary and propers plus motets and hymns.

Sat.Eve: 6:30 low mass
8:30 Low mass

10:30 Sung mass

8:30 low mass

Confessions: Saturdays 5-6:00, and
before all masses.

Sat.Eve: 5:30 sung mass (No incense)

8:30 low mass

10:30: Sung mass

12:15 family mass (sung mass without incense or low mass with hymns)

1:30 Tridentine sung mass (Or low mass, depends on the resources.)

5:15 Rosary and sung vespers with benediction.
Weekdays: 6:30 & 8:30 Low mass.
Confessions: Sat. ,3:30-5:00, Wednesdays 7:30-8:30, before all masses.

City parish:

Sat. eve: 5:00 Sung mass

6:30 First vespers (recited)

7:30 low mass (ordinary form)

9:30 low mass (extraordinary form)

10:30 solemn high mass (Latin ordinary, with extraordinary form on the last Sunday of the month)

1:00 family mass

5:15 Rosary with solemn vespers & benediction following. (Ordinary form, extraordinary form on the last Sunday of the month)

8:30 PM low mass (Contemporary music)

6:00 lauds,6:30, 8:30 AM, low mass,6:00 PM rosary & vespers (recited)

Confessions: Saturdays 3-4:45, before masses on Sundays, daily at 7:30-8:30

I've never been keen on these late youth masses. I'm usually dead asleep by then. Honestly, I dragged myself to evening masses during the school term only because it was my only option.


A said...

Expecting a lot of people at your Rural Parish?
I'm surprised about Motets being sung at your Rural Parish too!

Thanks for linking :D

J.Samuel Ross. said...

One of the rural pasishes here (I think it was St.Helena's) Is a pretty large parish, despite being practically in the middle of nowhere. I'm basing 'rural parish' on somewhere around 60-70 people per sunday, so two masses seem okay.

And motets aren't all hard. Just Google 'St.Gregory Hymnal'.Most of those are single voice or for two voices.

You're welcome. <3