Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Funeral Arrangements.

The Funeral will be this Saturday, July 10th at 10:00, at Victory Christian Center. Bishop Jimmy Ellis will be presiding. The burial will take place at Rolling Hill Cemetery.

Today I helped plan the funeral. Since Monday afternoon, I've been in a sort of daze. Everything seems so very unreal. It wasn't until the social worker had come to get me through the process of receiving the assets and things my father had left me that the sense of his departure began to hit. And then,the director came to help us plan the funeral. That was very hard. Even though I'm the youngest, my two older brothers weren't really up to it. My sister was a big help, since she helped plan my granmother's  funeral in 08', so she knows more than I.

Tomorrow, we go to visit the grave. Tomorrow also, I go to my aunt's house to take some of his belongings. (He stayed at her home for the last few months he was getting treatments for convenience's sake).

We're all coping better now.

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