Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy Epiphany!

I just got back from the missa cantata. It wasn't what I expected. I figured it'd be low key: a cantor, three servers, M.C and celebrant, and that's it. There were four servers, some priests in choro, and the choir sang the Missa Secunda by Hassler in it's entirety again. Victoria's O Magnum Mysterium at the offertory and his Ave Maria as the communion anthem. The proper communion antiphon was sung with psalm verses again. I forget which publication it is that has the psalm verses for the introit and communion antiphons. I don't think it's the Graduale Triplex. I was conscripted into helping take up the collection, and missed most of the offertory. After mass, the recessional/postlude was the Gravement from BWV 572. Veneration of the bambino at the altar rail after mass. Same vestments as in the picture I posted for the announcement.

One qualm: I really wish that the booklets would print the directions for the postures at high mass. I did the low mass ones, because that's what we use and it's our default, but others don't know that.

One more qualm:
Is Christmas really technically over? We're only halfay through the octave in the new calendar, so we've got till the octave day on Sunday, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord to celebrate Christmas. Or, you could wait till the purification.

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