Sunday, January 24, 2010

Heads up!

February 11, the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, there's a procession and Solemn High mass at 7:30. I was talking to Br.David about it this morning, and he told me about they twice asked Canon Reid if they could borrow some vestments from St.Clem's (Once for midnight mass, and the second time for this patronal feast day) Both times, the vestry said no. Now they're trying Good Shepherd,Rosemont. Since I know he'll be reading this eventually, I would suggest St.Mark's as well. They have quite a few high quality gothic sets. Now, If they're very polite and nice, I hope they can borrow the Comper high mass set. I love Comper's work, and I especially love that set. There's regretably very little of it in the U.S. But yeah, I hope they can get it.

1 comment:

Paul Goings said...

The Vestry never said no; the Vestry was not consulted. Let me look into this...