Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Collect of the day:*

ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, we humbly beseech thy majesty, that as Thine only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple in the substance of our flesh,so too Thou wouldst grant us to be presented unto thee with purified souls.Through our Lord.

At the blessing of candles:

1st prayer:
O GOD, fount and origin of all light. who as on this day didst shew to Just Simeon thy light for the revelation to the gentiles: We humbly pray thee, that thou wouldst deign to santify + and bless these candles, which thy people devotedly receive. That they who assemble to carry them to the laud of thy name may through the paths of virtues, merit to arrive at the light which never faileth. Through our Lord.

2nd prayer:
O GOD, the true light and propagator of the eternal light, pour forth into the hearts of thy faithful the brightness of thy perpetual light. That whosoever commemorateth thy presentation in the holy temple, in the splendour of thy brightness, may joyfully arrive at the glory of thy light. Who liveth.

*All prayers are from the modern Roman missal.

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