Sunday, February 14, 2010


After the rather unfortunate Altar Server's mass, I went to borders, and you won't believe what I found: Besides an issue of Thor that I've been looking for, no less than FOUR different issues of Hawkeye.Sadly, I'd brought no money with me, so I had to leave them. But yeah, tomorrow after I run a few errands, I'm going to Fat Jack's, where my friend at school gets his comics.(Even though I think Atomic City has a better selection of back issues.)


Bb said...

'After the rather unfortunate Altar Server's mass...'

You can't just leave me hanging like this. Tell all. :-)

J.Samuel Ross. said...

Well, the music was disappointing, (I swear at least two of the songs were commercial jingles from the 80's.)and we were one of only three parishes with servers wearing cassock and surplice rather than a hooded nightgown.(i.e., alb) And we were most likely the only parish that did'nt have female altar servers. A lot of the servers seemed rather sloppy.

Michael said...

I thank God that you didn't have girl altar servers. Back in the day of serving (8yrs put in), I almost left the church when my Diocese forced my Priest and us 'guys' to have girls up there with us. Although the music may have been lacking.. I can't imagine that it was any worse than the music that is played at churches in the Diocese of Richmond, VA.