Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ritual Notes.

The External Solemnity of Our Lady of Lourdes*. 10:30 mass.

Three servers (Thurifer and two acolytes) and master of ceremonies. The chasuble from the high mass set from Thursday was worn by Fr., with the maniple.The entrance hymn was "hail, all hail great queen of heaven" The mass setting was 'De Angelis' from the Kyriale, with credo III. After the hymn, at the incensation of the altar, the introit Vidi civitatem was sung. At the responsorial psalm, the response was set to the tone of the chant 'Ave Maria'. At the offertory, after the proper chant Ave Maria','Mary, how lovely the light of thy glory' was sung. The preface was the preface of the immaculate conception, with a semi-silent canon again. At communion, the antiphon 'Visitasti terram' was sung with the verses of psalm 66, Deus misereatur nostri. The communion hymn was O Sanctissima. After the postcommunion and blessing,Immaculate Mary was sung as the recessional. I think the postlude was BWV 531. I'm not totally sure.

*Or Sunday in the octave for those of us who kinda-sorta use the pre-55 set of octaves.

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