Thursday, March 18, 2010


I guess that's what I get.

I tried re-recording 'All Saints' today at the organ in my own parish church, along with some other tunes (Crusader's Hymn (Schönster Herr Jesu), Dominus Pascit Me,Narenza,Hanover, and Grosser Gott) Each time, almost without exception, a firetruck with alarms blazing started up and drove past the church. On my last try with 'All Saints', a truck stopped for the last three verses.It's kind of a shame, because the organ there has a better pedal division (two 32' stops and two loud 16' reeds, along with numerous flutes and strings) and has a floating choir division playable from the swell, which gives you a nice quiet effect with the division closed using the Vox Angelica and the Traverse Flute. Though I did rush through Dominus Pascit me a but.(Considering I haven't played the tune in,say, at least six months, I did pretty good without any music for a reference.)

This is what happens when you have a fire station ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE CHURCH. I'd like to meet the idiot at city planning  that came up with that idea 90 years ago.

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